Chapter 10: He's Not the Same

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"Mario", Luigi said. Luigi didn't know where he was, it was pitch black and he could only see Mario. However, Mario was turned away from him. Luigi reached out to touch Mario, but Mario smacked his hand away. "Luigi, when are you going to stop", Mario said. Luigi shuddered, Mario's voice was greasy, sinister almost. "Stop what", Luigi asked. Mario turned around quickly wrapping his hands around Luigi's neck his grip becomes tighter. "Mario!!", Luigi said trying to push Mario away. "When are you going to stop draining away from my life", Mario said smiling. Luigi because to sob and gag, struggling to get Mario off. "Why didn't you just overdose, no one would care. No one will remember you. You're just a waste of space. I'm tired of saving you because 'everything is so scary Mario' worthless". Luigi began crying, begging for Mario to let go. "Ma...Mari...". Luigi's vision began to blur, his heart racing trying to cling on to life as much as possible. All Luigi could see now is Mario's lifeless blue eyes, eyes that wanted nothing but death. "Shhhhh Luigi just accept it, if you die...everyone will finally be happy", Mario said. Luigi's face was drenched in tears and saliva, he didn't have the energy to plead and he couldn't breathe anymore. "Hahaha....ahahahahah". Mario's sinister laugh echoed in Luigi's ears. "Little shit".


Luigi jumped up and screamed loudly gasping for air. His eyes were wide, sweat trickling down his face along with tears. He started to cry loudly and as soon as he did his door swung open. "Lu-*Cough*-igi", Mario said. Mario limped over to his brother's side rubbing his shoulder while hugging him. "It's OK, It's OK". Mario sighed as he wiped away his brother's tears. "This is the seventh time this happened these past 2 weeks", Mario said. "Luigi are you OK", Mario asked. Luigi's face was frozen in fear as tears still fell. I'm going to have you see Toadsworth later today, we need to figure out why you're having these nightmares". Mario got up from Luigi's bed and rubbed his sides grumbling in pain. "Mario....", Luigi squeezed out. Mario looked back at Luigi, he tried to smile but Luigi could see how much pain Mario was in. It has only been 3 weeks since he was in the hospital but, Mario still has server pain every so often. The pain was so bad one day that Mario Threw up blood. Luigi didn't want Mario to worry too much about him, he wanted Mario to worry only about himself getting better. "Mario you need to rest, don't worry about me I'm fine", Luigi mumbled. Mario sighed," I'm OK Luigi I'm slowly getting better, it may not look like it, but I'm fine. You're my brother and you're obviously going through something mentality. Where I just take pain killers and I'm fine". Luigi knew Mario had a point, but how could he explain to someone that his nightmares were all about Him dying by the hands of his own brother. Mario grabbed his chest a bit a and grumbled," I need to lie down, it's 1 in the morning so try and fall back to sleep. Mario patted Luigi's head and left his room closing his door. Luigi laid back and stared up at the ceiling. "Why can't everything just be normal".


Luigi got up to walk over to the castle to see Toadsworth. Toadsworth was really good at figuring out things so Luigi thought this could be a chance for his nightmares to stop. Luigi ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. I want to lie to Toadsworth about my dreams, but I know he's going to pry it out of me.

Luigi knocked on the door to Toadsworth office. "Come in". Luigi walked in and saw Toadsworth reading at his desk. "Ah Luigi it's nice seeing you here, Mario told me you'd come", He said. Luigi sat down in front of his desk avoiding eye contact. "Now, Mario said you've been having these nightmares, correct?". Luigi nodded," Um yeah". Luigi could feel Toadsworth's eyes burning in his skull. "Do you mind telling me what they're maybe about", He asked. Luigi hesitated a little he was afraid to say. "Luigi...we won't be able to solve anything if you don't tell me anything. You can tell me, whatever you say here, stays here", Toadsworth said sighing. Luigi knew he couldn't keep secrets from Toadsworth, he felt like a father to him and he trusted Toadsworth. "I've been having dreams about...Mario", Luigi said shaking a bit. "-Oh, and What is Mario doing in these dreams", Toadsworth asked. Luigi felt his teeth clamp shut but a waterfall of emotions made its way through. "Mario....killing me". The drew silent as Toadsworth looked at Luigi. Toadsworth felt it was strange that Luigi would have these types of dreams unless. "Luigi is the side effects of Mario's Pain killers kicking in", he asked. Luigi looked at Toadsworth, he eyes red. Toadsworth could see deep in his eyes how stressed Luigi is. Luigi nodded," Yes...every time he takes a Painkiller his behavior changes, he becomes more irritated sometimes". Toadsworth fixed his glasses," I know this is a stretch but, does Mario hurt you in any way", He asked. Luigi quickly shook his head," No, it'd never get that far, his anger is more verbal, very verbal....and it scares me". Toadsworth nodded," I couldn't imagine what you're going through." Luigi looked up at Toadsworth again," I know you can't do much since its the only medicine that will heal him quickly". "You're right, don't worry Mario is having a check-up today so I'll ask him about the side effect, I won't say a thing about you OK", Toadsworth said. Luigi smiled as he got up from his seat. "Go for a walk to clear your head OK, if your dreams continue when you go to sleep tonight, don't hesitate to come back", he said.


Peach was taking a short stroll around the garden," What a nice day". She walked to a concrete bench and sat down to admire the beauty of everything. Upon looking around she noticed an envelope on the ground. "What's that". She walks over to it and picked it up to find a letter inside.

Dear Princess Peach

I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner at my castle today, it's such a lovely day so I thought why not. I'll have all your favorite foods set out along with decorations and music that will suit your taste. I wanted to make sure you're extremely happy when you're here. I bet Mario couldn't do this for you


Without a second thought, she tore the letter into bits and tossed it into a nearby trash can. "Dumb Koopa, I'd never want to be seen with the likes of him". Peach was now upset, not she felt like that letter ruined her entire walk. "I'll go inside, maybe one of my Soaps are on", Peach giggled.


In the distance, Bowser watched as Peach tore the letter up and threw it away. He felt himself becoming torn apart with each rip in the paper. Bowser couldn't understand. Why does Peach love Mario so much? He doesn't do anything for her. "I do nothing but work my ass off to make her happy, Mario does nothing but lounge around", He growled. Bowser turned and headed back towards his Castle filled with emotions.

He made his way to the dungeon that Peach would stay when he'd bring her to his castle. His breathing began to get heavy. "This room isn't enough, dinner isn't enough, my compliments aren't enough", Bowser Yelled. He started to go on a rampage trashing the room to the point you could tell what was what. "Why don't you love me!", Bowser said. Bowser couldn't take it anymore, the constant rejection was killing him inside. "That Luigi, better show her how much I love her!".

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