Chapter 12: The Friend I Need

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Luigi walked up to Bowser's castle a tad nervous. He knocked on his castle door and the koopas and Gombas let him in with no problem. (I wonder why they're not attacking me). Luigi continued to walk around until he ran into Bowser who was just watering plants. "Oh hello Bowser", Luigi said. Bowser turned around and smiled. "Oh hi", Bowser said sitting the watering can down. "I hope the guards didn't give you a hard way to go", Bowser asked. Luigi shook his head," to be honest I don't think they recognized who I was". Bowser and Luigi took a walk around the castle talking about various things while visiting spots around the castle that Luigi actually liked. "This place isn't as scary as I thought it was it's really nice", Luigi said. "I'm glad you say so, Peach would always tell me it's dirty and Mario too. By the way, how is Mario", Bowser asked. "Well", Luigi replyed.


Luigi slowly walked to the front door of his house hoping that Mario was asleep and would forget about everything the next morning. Luigi opened the front door as quietly as possible, but once he walked in Mario was standing there in front of the door staring at Luigi. "... oh...Hi Mario", Luigi said with a smile. "Don't hi Mario me", Mario said. Luigi closed the door behind him a didn't look at Mario at all. "What were you doing at the restaurant", Mario asked. "Nothing honest", Luigi said. "Nothing huh, then why did I ask a few toads that said they saw you mess with the soda machine and roll a bottle", Mario yelled. Luigi fell silent, he hated being yelled at by Mario. "Luigi why would you do something like that, what were you trying to do!", Mario asked. Luigi was still silent, tearing up," B-Bowser made me do it. I didn't want to Mario I swear". Mario instantly felt bad for yelling at his brother. "L-Luigi", Mario sighed. Luigi began to sob from how terrible Mario made him feel. Mario went to hug Luigi, "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you like that". "I swear when I see that Koopa again, I'm gonna let him have it".


"I'm sorry I had to throw you under the bus like that", Luigi said. Bowser chuckled," It's no big deal, Mario threatening me hehe that's cute". Bowser patted Luigi's shoulder," But honestly Mario treats you very badly, he doesn't hesitate to make you feel bad". Luigi sighed," Yeah, but I just get over it". Bowser stared at Luigi for a little bit and sighed himself. Bowser and Luigi get into a clown car and drives over to the Garden that Luigi secretly love. Waiting for them as a nice lunch set out at a picnic table. "Everything looks amazing", Luigi smiled. Bowser chuckled," I know how to treat my guest and you seemed to like this garden a lot when you were dressed as peach. Luigi laughed nervously," Again sorry I had to trick you like that". "It's OK I mean I had a small feeling, to be honest, but I didn't want to believe it". Bowser and Luigi sat and talked more laughing occasionally. "That seriously happened", Bowser said holding in tears from laughing. Luigi giggled," Yeah we were going to the desert and Mario got stuck in the pipe, so it was hard talking to his butt hehe". Luigi watch beeped showing it was 5 PM. "It's Five already, I have to get home". "Hmm already, I'll take you home", Bowser said. "Are you sure, what if Mario sees you and get mad", Luigi said. Bowser rolled his eyes," I'm twice his size I'm not scared of him". Bowser and Luigi hop in the clown car and Bowser drives Luigi home. Bowser parked his clown car behind Luigi's house. " I had a nice time hanging out with you Luigi, let's hang out again this weekend if you're up to it", Bowser asked. Luigi smiled," I'd love to hang out again, bye. Luigi got out Bowser's clown car and they both waved. Once Bowser was out of sight Luigi walked in his house to see Mario wasn't there. "Where could he be", Luigi mumbled. He sat on the couch and flicked on the TV. Mario didn't leave a note either so he was getting a bit concerned. (I hope he's not hurt at all). At that moment Mario walked in through the front door. "Oh Mario where have you been", Luigi asked. Mario looked at Luigi rubbing his side," My sides started to hurt really bad, so I decided to get them checked, what about you". "Oh, y' know just walking around doing nothing", Luigi said with a smile. Mario plopped on the couch next to Luigi. "Oh I ran into Daisy today too", Mario said. Luigi froze for a moment and felt his heart begin to race. "O-Oh you did", Luigi said nervously. "Yeah it was just a short chat though, She was acting kind of strange when I was asking about you, but I guess since she was busy that could've been why". "Luigi let out a huge sigh. "Something wrong", Mario asked. Luigi shook his head frantically," No not at all". Mario smiled," If that's the case, Peach invited us to a party for Toadsworth's Birthday". Daisy is going to be there so don't worry about asking her. Luigi felt his blood run cold, he never told Mario about him and Daisy. As much as Luigi didn't want to go, Toadsworth was really close to him so he had no choice. "It sounds like fun", Luigi smiled but Mario knew Luigi was hiding something behind it. "Okay, Well we have to get some rest so we can get there early", Mario said. Luigi got up and walk to his room. (I can't see Daisy, I haven't seen her in months, and no one knows we broke up). Luigi plopped on his bed staring at the ceiling. His mind then wandered to the day he had with Bowser, and he started smiling. (Bowser is nice, I wonder why Peach hates him so much). For a strange reason when Luigi thought about Bowser he had this warm fuzzy feeling, but he ignored it. "Bowser is a nice guy, I can't wait to hang out with him again".

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