Chapter 29: Revenge

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Mario woke up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat. The blood of midbus stained his brain and he couldn't think of anything else. "I need water", Mario said. He walked to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water and sipped it. Mario never killed anyone he'd just give them a good beat down, but he didn't know how he let his anger get that far. He sat and sat thinking deeply before. "AHHHHHHH". A loud scream was heard coming from Luigi's room causing Mario to almost jump out of his skin. "Luigi!?", Mario yelled. He ran to his brothers room to see that he was screaming in his sleep. He forgot that Luigi would tend to do that when he's having terrible nightmare. Mario walked over to him a held him trying to get him to relax. He felt Luigi was trying to push him away with an extreme amount of force. Mario fell back as he looked at Luigi staring down at him. "Luigi, its me", Mario said. Luigi had pure terror on his face, Mario assumed that maybe Luigi didn't want to be touched. "Luigi I'm gonna leave you alone now...ok, call me if you need anything", He said. Luigi still stared at Mario with his cold dead eyes. Mario wanted to make his brother feel better, but he didn't know how. At this rate Luigi isn't going to let no one near him. Mario walked out of Luigi's room and sat on the couch.


Luigi recalled back on what the dream he had was. The memory of Midbus taking advantage of him just continued to play over and over poisoning his mind. He couldn't think straight anymore he tried to think about anything but, nothing worked. His mind was crawling in darkness, so much that the faces from the people he loved became distorted. He didn't want to throw Mario off him like that, but he was so scared. His whole body hurt so muvh , His throat his face, his... rear. Luigi curled under his blanket and cried. He felt so weak and useless, he just wanted it to end.

Bowser walked up to the door of Luigi's summer home and knocked lightly. He had hoped Luigi was in a good mood and wasn't still angry from before. The door opened up slowly and Mario peeked out. Mario sighed heavily," What". "I came to see Luigi", Bowser said. "Well he's resting right now, go away", Mario said. Bowser grumbled and forced his way it. "Get out!", Mario yelled. "You can't stop me from seeing him", Bowser yelled. The both started to bicker back at forth as the volume started to raise. "You're not Luigi's Parent you can Boss him around and keep him from seeing who he wants", Bowser growled. "I don't, I just don't want him seeing you, you're nothing but a menace to the Kingdom", Mario yelled. The both heard a door open and looked over to see Luigi standing. Bowser grew extremely worried. Luigi was so pale and trembling with dark circles around his eyes. Bowser walked up to him," Luigi, what's wrong". Luigi backed up against the door holding his hand out, "P-please don't cone near me, don't touch me". Bowser stood still as he watched Luigi tremble. "Wh-Whats wrong", Bowser asked. "Luigi teared up. "I'm filthy, you don't need to touch something that's tainted", Luigi said. Mario felt so much pain from hearing his brother say those things. "Luigi", Bowser said as he reached a hand out. Luigi trembled more," Please stay away, you shouldn't love a waste of skin". Luigi walked back to his room locking the door shut.

Bowser stood in front of Luigi's door clenching his fist. "Who did this", he asked. "Mario stood silent not wanting to discuss the matter. Bowser stomped in front of Mario and roar," Tell me what happened NOW". Mario trembled a bit, he didn't have the energy to fight Bowser. "Midbus", Mario said. Bowser's heart raised and he started grumbling about. "Where is he", Bowser asked as he gripped up Mario". "I....I took care of him", Mario said. Bowser growled raising his voice," WHERE IS HE". Mario stared Bowser dead in the eyes," I. Took. Care. Of. Him." Bowser thought for a moment and backed away from Mario. "Where did you put it", He asked. Mario rolled his eyes," I left it...Wild animals probably started to eat him". " Who could've sent him out to do something like that", Bowser asked. Mario sighed," I think I might have an idea.


Toadsworth sat in his office trying to figure out where Luigi could be. "Maybe I should check Mario's Summer home next". Toadsworth was getting heavily pestered by the culprit. If he can get Luigi locked up everyone will believe its him and forget about it. Toadsworth got up and heard his back door open. "What his it Wario", he grumbled. Toadsworth heart sank as he turned around to see Bowser. Toadsworth froze as Bowser got closer. "Well well well, its nice to see you here", Bowser said as he gripped Him up by his collar. "What do you want", Toadsworth said evading eye contact. "Hehe I'm glad you asked, you see I know about your little lies that you've been telling. Placing the blame all on an innocent person. "I don't know what you're-". Toadsworth was cut off by a heavy slap across his face leaving deep claw marks on his cheek. "LIAR". Toadsworth tried to crawl away but was to weak to move. Bowser grabbed Toadsworth and dragged him out the door. "Time to teach you a lesson".


Mario had made the journey home and plopped on his own bed. It was a while since he got home and he started to grumble to himself. "What makes Bowser think he can just waltz up and speak to Luigi". Mario grumbled. He started to hate Bowser a lot more, Mario knew that he was going to be the only one that can help Luigi get better not, some dumb lizard.

Mario heard a knock at the door and got up to quickly answer the door. He opened it to see Peach crying heavily. "Princess what's wrong", Mario asked inviting her in. She hugged Mario still weeping," Toadsworth". Mario sat her down on the couch to hear her out. "Toadsworth's been kidnapped", Peach said. Mario's eyes widen as he started to panic. "Wh-Who kidnapped him". "People around town said they saw it was Bowser, what could he want with him". (Oh no, that stupid lizard). "Please save him Mario", Peach pleaded. "I will Mario said".

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