Chapter 7: Broken Heart

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Luigi slowly felt the heat of Bowser flame die down along with his grip. Luigi fell on the ground and looked up at Browser's face. It was no longer clouded with rage but filled with Despair. Bowser sighed and turned away from Luigi. Luigi never saw this side of Bowser before, so sad and heartbroken. He watched as he saw Bowser rub his eyes a bit. "Take the stupid dress off, I'll have someone bring down more fitting clothes.", Bowser growled. Bowser walked off slamming the Cell door shut. Luigi sat on the ground frozen in fear. "He didn't hurt me", Luigi sighed. Luigi stood up slowly and began to take the dress off tossing it to the side. He sat on the bed in his underwear waiting for his clothes. Luigi's heart began to race, what was Bowser going to do now that he knows that he's not princess peach. Luigi knew for certain that his life was in danger if he stayed here any longer. Luigi looked over at the cell door to see a Koopa leaving clothes before quickly running off. Luigi picked up the clothes and they surprisingly looked like they fit. Luigi was given a green polo short with black jeans and brown boots. Luigi put everything on and lay down on the bed. Luigi actually liked the clothes that Bowser gave him, it beats wearing that itchy dress. He began to think out bout his 'brother' which made his stomach churn. "I wanna go home, but I don't want to see him at all".

"Mario lay down, you're going to hurt yourself again!", Toadsworth said trying to grab Mario. "I HAVE TO SAVE LUIGI", Mario cried. Mario continued to scream as he tried to shove all the toads holding him back. This was Mario's third attempt on trying to escape to save Luigi. "Please I have to- AAAAAAHHH". Mario collapsed on the ground holding his stomach and chest screaming in pain. Mario's screaming was then followed by Vomit that was mainly consisting of Blood. Before they knew it Mario passed out. Toadsworth adjusted his glasses and helped lift Mario back into bed. "I know it seems harsh to do this, but I need to toads to restrain him, we can't have this happening again. The toads went to work as Toadsworth left outside. He met Peach who was taking a stroll, she seemed to be going through a lot of stress as well. "Ah Princes", Toadsworth said grabbing Peach's attention. "Oh Toadsworth, how are you today", Peach said. Toadsworth joined Peach on her stroll through the castle as they explained various events taking place. "No matter how many people we send out, they never make it save Luigi. I'm going to have to pull in all the troops before people are hurt,
Severely ", Peach sighed. "I think its a good call, I feel really bad for Mario, Luigi being trapped in Bowser's castle must be extremely stressing him out", Toadsworth sighed. Toadsworth let out a small cough. "Hmm is everything alright", Peach asked. "No no nothing to worry *Cough* about", Toadsworth said. "Toadsworth go home a rest please, you've been working hard and I think you deserve it. Don't worry I'll supervise over whatever you have today". Before Toadsworth could argue he smiled," You remind me so much of your mother". Peach smiled as Toadsworth began to walk home. Peach looked up in the sky," Please be OK Luigi".


Luigi woke up from his small nap surveying the room making sure he didn't get taken anywhere while he slept. He was still in the same bed. Luigi began to heard heavy footsteps and watched as Bowser came closer to the cell door. "Oh you're back", Luigi sighed. "Yes I am, and I have a plan", Bowser smirked. Luigi began to get nervous as Bowser walked in the cell door and walked closer to him. "I want you to get the princess to like me, fail to do so and I'll make sure every. Living. Day. Of your life is miserable. Luigi gulped," How am I supposed to do that". "Simple..whenever Mario and Peach are out together sabotaging it and I'll swoop in and try to show her how much of a better man I am", Bowser grinned. "I...I couldn't do that to him", Luigi said. "And why not, how could you not do it to him", Bowser said confused. "Mario is always the one in the spotlight, never even thinking to include you in his praise. You ever thought of that, Mario could've easily said,' Oh I couldn't have done all this without my brother', but he acted like he some everything", Bowser said. Luigi began to think about all the time Mario could've easily given him some recognition. Bowser was right, Mario could've at least gave him some credit, but he didn't. He took all the credit for himself. Thinking more and more about it made Luigi's blood boil, he never knew how much he hated his own brother until now. "What would happen if I declined, how would you make my life miserable", Luigi asked. Bowser smirked," Oh I mean I can have my minions give you a string a bad luck, each incident becoming more,'Life threatening'. Luigi shuttered at the statement. Bowser placed a hand on Luigi's shoulder and whispered him his ear. "I can see how much you hate Mario in your eyes, let that hatred blossom". Luigi knew his life was on the line and as much as he didn't care for it, he had only one choice. "I-I'll do it", Luigi said. "Good, Now go", Bowser smirked. "Huh go where", Luigi asked. "Go home, of course, I can't win peach with you here, go home and get to work", Bowser Growled. Luigi got up and walked out the cell door scanning every room he went in just in case it was another trap. Luigi made it out the front gate of the castle and continued to walk thinking of the choices he just recently made. His feelings of hatred and guilt began to mix around stressing Luigi out more.


Bowser walked out of the cell and looked out a castle window, watching Luigi walk further away. "You let him go," Kamek said. Bowser turned to Kamek raising his brow. "Yes, is there a problem". "No, not at all, so I'm guessing we need to plan and kidnap the real princess nest time". Kamek said rolling his eyes. "No not yet, I asked the green fellow to get Peach to like me, and that way we can have a nice wedding and combine kingdoms. Kamek looked irritated, "What that's very unnecessary, why not force her to marry you". "A good marriage is a happy one I want her to be happy with me, It's NOT unnecessary Kamek, I also don't like how you're questioning me", Bowser growled. Kamek grunted and floated off, "Idiot that's not how you take over a kingdom".


It was a long walk but Luigi managed to get back to the mushroom kingdom just as the sun began to set. "Well, I'm home...It doesn't look like people missed me at all", Luigi sighed.


Peach sat in the throne room along with Toadsworth as the discussed many different options to save Luigi, but each option was way too big of a risk. "This is becoming extremely frustrating", Toadsworth said pulling out a handkerchief to wipe sweat from his brow. "I agree, we should pick back up first thing in the morning, I'll have the cooks make us dinner", Peach sighed. "What would you like", Peach asked. Toadsworth sighed," Something light please, all this thinking really isn't giving me a huge appetite". "OK then", Peach smiled. As Peach got out her seat the throne room doors opened and she gasped. Toadsworth couldn't believe his eyes either nearly stumbling out of his chair. Peach began to tear up in joy, "Lu-Luigi".

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