Chapter 36: The New King

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*2 Months Later*

"Owww", Luigi sighed as he rubbed his sides. "Bro is your sides still hurting", Mario said as he felt around his brother's sides. "Just a bit that's all", he replied. Luigi sat down at the table and with a cup of coffee in his hands. He picked up a newspaper on the table and began to read it. "Looks like Toadsworth sentence starts today", Luigi said. "Yeah I was in court when they made the decision", Mario said. Luigi sighed taking another sip of coffee. "Did he ever say where those documents went", Luigi asked. Mario who was making both of them lunch shook his head 'no'. "In court, he went on a whole tangent about if he told us it would put the kingdom in danger, and we wouldn't know what we're messing with, could you believe that", Mario said. Luigi shook his head as Mario placed a salad in front of Luigi. Mario peaked out into the living room at the boxes in front of Luigi's room. Although Luigi hasn't gone anywhere, he still felt lonely. "So what are you going to do first when you move in with Bowser your Highness". Mario began to laugh as Luigi's face turned red. "I'm not a king, I don't think people in the castle will just up and start calling me king", Luigi said. "you'll be fine, just don't let it get to your head". Mario grabbed a remote off the table and flicked on the TV.

*Top story of today another fire in the Mushroom Kingdom broke out today is caused by a group of unknown individuals. Some people say they are villagers with the intent to rebel against the Kingdom*

"Another fire, that's the 3rd one this week", Mario sighed. "What makes it worse is that it people who live here, I remember Bowser telling me the same things are happening in his kingdom", Luigi said. "Suspicious enough this all started happening when Toadsworth was first caught", Mario sighed. "You don't think this rebel group and Toadsworth are connected do you?", He asked. Mario though for a moment and nodded," I do, I wouldn't put it past him, he had military documentation, so maybe he created a group or something like that to cause havoc". "That sounds way too evil even for Toadsworth". They both gave reassuring laughs as they finished their lunch. Mario looked at the time and sighed a bit. "I guess it's time for Bowser to get here", Mario said. At that moment a heavy knock was heard at the door. "I'll get it", Luigi said excusing himself from the table. He opened the door and saw Bowser standing on the other side with his clown car behind him. "Um, are you ready?", He asked. Luigi nodded and Bowser walked in his house and picked up all his boxes. Mario just watched as slowly the house became a tad bit empty.

All of Luigi's things were packed into Bowser's car and Luigi was all set to go. "You're sure you'll be fine on your own", Luigi asked. Mario still looking around the slightly empty house sighed. "Yeah I'll be fine", Mario said. They both gave each other a smile and went their separate ways. Mario watched as Luigi slowly closed the front door to the house, he slowly felt his arm reach out to keep the door from closing but it shut. "I guess he's gone now", Mario sighed. The living room became dead silent every breathe that Mario made echoed throughout the house. He walked into Luigi's old room and was met with louder echos of his footsteps from his empty room. "I guess I should do something today", He sighed.


Luigi felt a tad upset that he had to leave Mario behind, they've been living with each other for years. "Something wrong?", Bowser asked. Luigi smiled," Oh I'm fine". Bowser gave Luigi a small peck on the cheek to relax him a bit as they arrived at his castle. "I'll move all your stuff in, go make yourself feel home", Bowser said. "Luigi got out the car and walked inside. Being in the castle now felt strange, he was now going to be living here instead of just visiting. As Luigi walked around, he still kept thinking how lonely Mario probably is. He made it to the top floor and saw a few koopas talking. "Good Morning Lord Luigi", one koopas said. Luigi's face turned red from embarrassment. He didn't think people in Bowser's would already be calling him Lord or King so soon. "Oh hello, um can I ask a question", Luigi asked. "Ask away", One Koopa replied. "Is it strange to be calling me Lord or King, I mean I'm related to Mario", Luigi said. The Koopa smiled," Well at first it was, but to be honest when a lot of us saw how nice he's been since you've been with him we didn't mind". The Koopas walked away continuing their previous conversations leaving Luigi alone. "Mr. Luigi", A familiar voice said. Luigi turned to see Bowser Jr. He gave him a hug and seemed to just be having a good time. "I heard you're staying here with my papa", He said. Luigi chuckled and nodded, "Yes I am". Luigi could see Bowser Jr's eyes sparkle in delight," Does that mean I get to have 2 Papa's?". Luigi blushed more, he didn't think Bowser Jr. would consider him as a dad at all. "I-I guess so Jr.", Luigi smiled patting his head. Bowser Jr. ran off jumping in the air in excitement," Papa Luigi, Papa Luigi". Luigi felt his heart swell in joy hearing those words. A pair of arms wrapped around Luigi as a kiss was planted on his cheek. "Hey sweetheart, you're feeling comfortable yet?", Bowser asked. "Yes I am, I'm always happy being here", he replied. Bowser held his hand and kissed it and hugged him again. "You're very touchy today", Luigi said giggling. "I'm just really happy you decided to stay with me", Bowser smiled.

Bowser had taken Luigi up to the balcony of his room for a nice small dinner where they chatted and laughed while looking at the sunset. "Soooooo are you enjoying your stay", Bowser asked. Luigi smiled," Bowser you know I always have a good time here". Bowser blushed as they watched the sunset. Luigi was still a tad worried about Mario being all alone, but he knew deep down that Mario will be ok without him. Bowser yawned as the sun fully set and it was now dark. He stood from his seat and held out his hand. "Let's go to bed shall we", Bowser said with a wink. Luigi smiled and took his hand as he guided him to his bed. Bowser laid on his side bringing Luigi close to him. Luigi gave Bowser a kiss on his forehead before relaxing in his arms. "Goodnight my love", Bowser said. "Goodnight", Luigi smiled.


"You need for power is getting out of control", Wario said. "What is going on with you-you're not the same anymore, I'm calling this operation all off, I will not tolerate being bossed around by the likes of you". The person Wario was talking too felt a dark rage build up and picked up a knife nearby. "What do you want no-". Before Wario could finish a sharp metal was impaled in his chest causing him to gag and cough up blood. As the knife was pulled out Wario held his chest as he felt his body numbing up and temperature drop. "". Wario collapsed on the ground as the suspect continued to stab Wario continuously.

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