Chapter 2: Smiling Kills Me

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Luigi woke up will a slight headache, he realized that he cried so much yesterday that he gave himself a headache. (Maybe I should just stay home all day). Luigi got up and walked out of his room. He looked on the floor to see the broken trophy was still on the floor. "I guess Mario didn't come home last night...again", Luigi sighed. He quickly cleaned up the broken glass and threw it away. "Mario has so many he'll never notice it missing". Luigi walked sluggishly back to his room to lay down skipping breakfast entirely. Luigi didn't care, he was too broken to eat. He flicked on the TV near him and sighed as the first thing shown was a news report on how heroic Mario is. He flicked through various channels the majority of it being about his heroic brother. He finally stopped on a movie channel and just laid in bed watching various movies. "What's the point in getting up", Luigi said. A couple hours passed and Luigi heard the front door. "Luigi!", he heard his brother call out. "Coming", Luigi grumbled. Luigi walked out into the living room where Mario was sitting at the table. "Sorry I was out so late, everyone wanted to interview me", Mario sighed. "Its fine", Luigi replied. "I mean it's not such a big deal they're making it, but oh well it can't be helped, by the way, where were you-you kinda disappeared on me", Mario said looking at Luigi. Luigi wanted to tell him the truth on why he left, and what had happened with him a Daisy, but the words were stuck in his throat. " I was feeling a tad sick, I think when we got a little stuck in the World 5 with all that snow". Mario scanned Luigi," You're eyes and nose are a tad red, I'll get you some soup". " need I already ate", Luigi said. "Oh, OK I'll be in my room if you need anything, OK bro". Luigi nodded and Mario walked over to his room and closed his door. Luigi sighed and plopped down on his bed. (Clueless). Luigi laid down for what it seems like hours doing nothing but lay down and think. "Why did she leave me, what did I do wrong", "What's wrong with me, why do people bother with me", "I'm nothing but a burden.


Weeks went by with Luigi still not acting how he normally acts. Mario was beginning to become concerned, he's never seen Luigi like this, he wanted to know what was wrong with Luigi but due to his growing popularity and countless meetings he's barely been home and his concerns seemed to have vanished. "Luigi I'm home, I brought home dinner", Mario said calling into the house. Mario heard Luigi's footsteps walking heavily across the floor and a door creak open. Luigi walked out of the room in his casual clothes. "Ah you're dressed did you do something today", Mario asked. Luigi gave a long sigh and grumbled," I...went for a walk..looked around, not much". "Ah, I see, oh by the way I was wondering if you and Daisy-", Mario got cut off. "No, um daisy said she was busy today, I called her earlier asking to hang out but,....she's busy". Mario looked at his brother and saw how nervous he looked," oh I see, then I guess it can just be me, you and peach then, she invited us for dinner but I also bought dinner if you decided not to come.". Luigi sighed and smiled softly and agreed to tag along.

The three of them sat down at a table with the most glamorous view, flowers blooming left and right beside a tall luxurious fountain, and during nice Sunset. "So how have you boys been", Peach said. "I've been fine, I've been home a lot taking care of things their while Mario is out and about", Luigi said. Peach smiled brightly," Oh wow, Mario you have such a nice brother". "I mean you don't have to do all the housework yourself, I could help y'know", Mario Chuckled. "No no, you work hard as it is, leave it to me", Luigi said pulling up a soft smile. Mario gave Luigi a light pat on the back. "Its too bad Daisy couldn't join us, was she really that busy", Peach asked. Luigi nodded," Y-Yeah, I don't know she said she had y'know princess stuff to attend to". Peach sighed," well there is always next time". Luigi started to feel worse, he felt that soon his lies would one day bite him back. The conversation began to pick up and it was mainly Between Peach and Mario with Luigi rarely chiming in. "Well would you look at the time, you boys should head home", Peach said beginning to tidy up the table. "Would you like us to help you clean", Mario offered. "No it's Ok it's not that much, now run along". Mario and Luigi excused themselves from the table, they said their goodbyes and left the castle. "That was a nice dinner wouldn't you agree", Mario said patting his stomach. Luigi nodded. Luigi began to lose himself in thought again, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get happy, even pretending to smile hurt. Luigi soon felt tears rolling down his cheeks. Luigi started to rub his eyes. "Bro you OK, you're eyes are all red", Mario said as he stopped to look at his brother. "I'm fine Mario, I got dirt in my eye ow", Luigi said hoping Mario would buy it. Luigi was lucky because that's exactly what he did. "Oh, there's a lot of dirt, so I guess you should wash your face when we get home to get the dirt out", Mario said. Luigi felt bad that he had been lying to his brother, but it had gotten to the point where, Luigi, didn't even know what the truth was. Luigi and Mario got home and Mario yawned. "Well I'm going to go to bed bro, see yah in the morning", Mario said as he closed his bedroom door. Luigi walked into the bathroom to wash his face and then stared at himself in the mirror. He looked a lot more pale than usual and he started to develop bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep. He looked weak, he looked pathetic, he looked like a waste of skin. "Damn it", Luigi choked out trying to hold back tears. Luigi wiped his face and walk to his room plopping down on his bed. "I wonder what I can tolerate before I break down tomorrow".

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