Chapter 39: Demon

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Luigi felt drowsy along with a Sharp pain on his head. As his eyes slowly pried open as he could see blood dripping from his head. He tried to open his mouth to speak but felt something covering his mouth. The room he was in was dimly lit and smelled damp. "Wakey Wakey", a familiar voice said. Luigi's blood ran cold as he began to panic. His eyes widen as they met up with the voice in front of him. (Waluigi)? Luigi stared at the purple man trying to move but he was bound to a chair. "Why couldn't you die", Waluigi spoke. Waluigi's words felt like poison suffocating him. "You falling in love with Bowser was the worst thing to ever happen". "The Mushroom Kingdom and Bowser's Kingdom were supposed to remain enemies-". -But, B ut you haaad to interfere". Waluigi slapping Luigi extremely hard knocking him on the ground. Luigi hit his head hard on the ground sending him in a daze. Waluigi cracked his head back in laughter. Luigi began trembling he wanted to leave but he knew he couldn't. He looked back at his captor again but his face looked full of rage. "I always hated you, Luigi. To me, you were a perfect version of what I wanted to be. I mean there is Mario but he was too famous for me, I'm more of a laid back guy. But jealousy isn't the reason. Waluigi got closer to Luigi, Luigi stared into his eyes searching for his once close friend, but he was nowhere to be found. Just a monster spewing malice. "We're the same right, we're nothing but jokes to everyone-".  Waluigi stood up looking down at Luigi. "Wario is just Like Mario, more popular than me. People look at me as just a stupid meme and I'm always forgotten, especially when you go hang out with people in that stupid smash tournament. I'm always left alone. But I wanted to change that". Waluigi held his hands out a smile stretching across his face. "I want everyone to know who Waluigi is, I wanted to create my own Empire". Luigi looked at him confused. "You're wondering how will I create an Empire when there is no land to rule. Teheheh it's easy". He slithered up inches in front of Luigi with his eyes almost giving of a sinister red glow. "Kill the rulers and take the land". Luigi felt his heart race. "I have my own group you see. People who dislike Bowser and Peach's way of ruling, and joined me in a promise for eternal paradise. I'd have both kingdoms go to war, and while that's happening I go in for the kill. But then you showed up". He wrapped his hands around Luigi's throat and his grip Began to tighten. Luigi's eyes rolled back as he tried to breathe. "Why did you fall in love with Bowser, huh, why didn't you die when you took all those pills, why didn't you jump off the cliff and die, why didn't you kill yourself when Midbus raped you. WHHHY! WHY! WHY!" Waluigi took his hands and began to slap Luigi and punch him in his face before letting out a loud scream in anger. Luigi laid there extremely dazed every sound seemed to echo around in the room. "I want to be someone, I want recognition, I don't want to be a joke, I don't want to be forgotten". Waluigi started crying shaking his head. The crying seemed to go away in an instant when he locked eyes with Luigi," I hate you. That's why I've been watching you, where you go". He gave Luigi an unsettling hug and whispered in his ear. "I wanted to know all your weaknesses, because I believe, if I Kill Empire will soon rise". Waluigi got up and smiled kicking Luigi in the face. He felt like he was choking on blood and was drowning in it since his mouth was covered and started to make loud gagging noises. Waluigi peeled off the tape so Luigi could spit out the blood that built up in his mouth. "I'm gonna leave you to starve, or bleed out first, whatever happens, faster I don't care. When people ask I'll say I never saw you come to my house, and they'll go look for you. And I'll kill. Waluigi walked away closing the door to the room behind him. Luigi felt very weak and tired. He knew he was gonna pass out from the excessive amount of head trauma. His eyes slowly started to close. "Mario.......Bowser"...


Mario felt a small chill down his back. "Luigi"... Mario felt sick, he felt as though something was extremely wrong. Mario had gone home for the day to gather the information they had to find Wario's killer. But his mind when to Luigi. "My brother....needs me".


Bowser sat outside the interrogation room thinking over his conversation with Kamek. Feeling an extreme sense of betrayal. That was soon taken away as he felt a chill down his spine. "Luigi", Bowser mumbled. He hasn't seen his love in a minute and wondered where he went. "Maybe Daisy knows", he said. Bowser walked to a room where Jr. And Daisy was. As he walked in Jr. Was taking a nap on her lap as she sat and watched the news. "Was he any trouble?", Bowser asked. "No not really, lots of energy, but I managed", She smiled. "I'm going to find out where Luigi is and then I'll take him off your hands", Bowser said with a smile Daisy smiled and nodded. As Bowser turned away Daisy spoke again. "You and Luigi are perfect for each other", she said. Bowser looked back and smiled softly before leaving. He felt happy, happy that people approved of their relationship.

As Bowser walked out the room and down a hall he ran into a very familiar face. "Waluigi...what brings you here", he asked. Waluigi smiled not saying a word. "Have you seen Luigi". "Waluigi again didn't say a word, but Bowser felt that something was wrong. He didn't feel safe around him. "My Empire will rise-", Waluigi mumbled as his eyes widen at Bowser,"-And it starts with your downfall".

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