Chapter 33: Don't Leave Me [Part 2]

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"I'm dying", Luigi muttered. The once fully distorted room formed back into its original state. Mario walked to Luigi," Don't worry please". Luigi backed up falling on his bed. "How can I not worry!?", He asked frantically,"- I'm dying". "Well I'm supposed to show you everything will be fine if you pass, you'll be able to live in a world you always dreamed of", Mario said holding out his hand," Please just give me a chance". Luigi stared at Mario with a pale expression and took Mario's hand. Mario smiled helping him up," There, now we have a party to go to".


Mario sat in Luigi's room staring blankly at the wall. He couldn't function properly, as his body would sometimes act on its own. He hasn't eaten at all for a couple of days or slept properly.

Peach walked up to Mario's from the door and gave it a light knock. The door slowly creaked open which made Peach panic a bit. She walked in and and heard the sound of a TV on in Luigi's room. "Mario", Peach called out. She walked slowly to the room and peeked through. Looking dead at the TV was Mario, staring at nothing but noise. "Mario", Peach said again. He didn't bat an eye at Peach and kept his focus on the screen. She walked over to him and crouched in front of him, still not getting a reaction out of him. Peach sighed and got up, and walked away placing some papers on the desk beside the door. "Please visit Luigi", She asked.

Mario listened as peach walked off and got up to view the papers. Upon looking at them he felt his heart shatter. "No...", Mario mumbled. Mario jumping from a frantic knock on the door. He walked over to the door and opened it to see Bowser. "Mario.. where's Luigi", He asked. Mario looked at Bowser and could see that he was severely stressed. (I have to tell him).


Peach made it back to the hospital and saw two familiar faces standing by the window to Luigi's room. "Wario, Waluigi", she said walking to them. They both waved. "Princess it's nice to see you, how are you holding up", Waluigi asked. Peach sighed," It great if you ask me". Peach gazed at Wario who seemed to be acting a little strange. "Wario is everything alright", she asked. Wario jumped and replied," Y-Yes everything is good". Waluigi began to talk to Peach about how worried and upset he was about seeing Luigi in the condition he was in. But something felt wrong, Wario was being Oddly quiet. Once in a while, Waluigi would glance back at him, but Wario's face stayed the same, nervous. "Oh um if you don't mind, I have to use the restroom real quick", Waluigi said. He walked off leaving Wario and Peach alone. "You're awfully quiet today", Peach said. Wario sighed ribbing his hands together, "I just have a lot on my mind that's all". Silence filled the room again until Waluigi came back. "Wario we should let Peach be she probably has a lot on her plate right now". Peach could've sworn she saw Wario give him a hard glare before agreeing with him. They both said their goodbye's leaving peach alone. "So much is going on that my brain can't handle, I'll stop by Daisy for some tea to relax".


Luigi walked with Mario as they made it to the Party Peach was hosting. "You're going to see Luigi that this world you made, will do nothing, but make you happy, I promise", he said. Luigi was still a tad skeptical, did he really want to cross over to the afterlife. The walked through the castle gates and instantly all the toads began to welcome them with enthusiasm. Luigi managed to crack a smile since no one really greeted him like that with so much energy, or like that at all.

They arrived at the party with all their friends and everyone began treating Luigi as if he was amazing just like his brother. So many people wanted to talk to him, so many people enjoyed his company. He felt so loved. Luigi sat down at a table and started to get used to this. (Wow I feel like Mario, I feel so love and appreciated, and needed). He started to think about all the things back in his world, All the pain and agony he's been through. However, his world seemed bad he started to think about Bowser. He couldn't imagine how Bowser could be feeling right now. Luigi began to think that Bowser would be better off without a boyfriend as weak as him.

Night fell and Luigi's room was empty only the sounds out medical machines echoed throughout the hallway. "Make it quick ok I don't know when the doctors will come back". Mario managed to sneak Bowser into Luigi's hospital room so he could see him "I'll stay outside and keep watch, when I tap on the glass jump out the window into your clown car, got it", Mario demanded. Bowser nodded as he turned to Luigi and started to tear up as he pulled a chair up next to him. "Hey babe-", Bowser said choking up a bit"-Mario told me everything, I..I can't believe I couldn't save you. I wish I was there with you to stop this from happening. I failed to protect you". Tears started to fall from Bowser's face as he began to become flooded with guilt. "But please, I want you to wake up, I want to see your beautiful blue eyes again. I want you to cry on my shoulders when you need someone to hug. I-I want you to know that without you I wouldn't have changed my ways. Please don't leave me, Luigi. I Love You". Bowser held Luigi's hand softly sharing his warmth as he place a gentle kiss on his cheek. He heard Mario tap on the glass and got up to the window," Please fight for your life". Bowser hopped out and into his clown car driving off sobbing.


Luigi was having the time of his life at the party, he had never felt so happy in his life. He found Mario who looked a tad tired. "Hey bro we should head home you look like you need a nap", Luigi said. Mario smiled," Yeah let's, my legs feel like their gonna fall off. They both said their goodbye's before walking out the castle," See, what did I tell you, this world isn't so bad". Luigi smiled, "It really isn't, it's perfect".

Mario and Luigi walked inside and Mario yawned," I'll take a quick nap, and when I wake up, you'll decide if you want to stay in this world". Luigi waved to Mario as he walked into his room. Luigi was so happy, no stress, no anxiety, it was perfect, he could finally live peacefully. As Luigi sat on his bed he felt something. One of his hands felt warm and filled with love and despair. "This warmth, it feels beautiful and familiar", Luigi said as he held the hand against his cheek. At that moment he felt the warmth on his cheek, matching the same warmth on his hand. "..Bowser", Luigi said.


Mario looked into the room and saw that Bowser was no longer there. "Mario came to see Luigi", Doctor Toad asked. Mario nodded and stared back into the room. Doctor Toad sighed," Hopefully peach told you but, today is the last day if he doesn't wake up by tomorrow morning-". "I know, I know don't say it", Mario said. "Could I stay here overnight with him", he asked. Doctor Toad smiled," By all means, you can, I'll be in my office if you need anything". He walked off towards the stairs and Mario walked in his room sitting in the same chair that Bowser was in. He stared at Luigi," I know I haven't been the perfect brother, but I'll be right here by your side when you pass". Mario held Luigi's hand and slowly drifted off to sleep.


Warmth filled Luigi's hand once again, but it didn't feel like Bowser again. This warmth fell heroic, with a burning passion. "Mario..".


Mario's eyes opened, but something felt off. He was no longer in the hospital, but standing in front of their house. "How did I get here", he said. He slowly stepped inside the house, everything looked normal. He saw his bedroom door open and, he saw himself walk out. He saw himself look at him. "Huh, how did you get here?", Dream Mario said. "What, you're me!", Mario panicked backing up. As he backed up he knocked over one of his trophies shattering it. Mario glanced over at Luigi's door which also began to open up. "Mario what was that-". Luigi stared at both Mario's in confusion. "T-Two Mario's?".

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