Chapter 31: I'm Free

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Luigi sat in his room on the edge of the bed. He barely got any sleep for the past few days, and he was beginning to feel very sick. He couldn't look at himself the same, all he saw was a filthy cum dumpster. "I'm filthy", Luigi said. He began to have very disturbing thoughts which made him question his sanity.
Why was all this happening to him, why is he being treated so poorly? Everything in his life seemed to go down a dark tunnel with no light at the end. He needed to get some fresh air, if not he'd fill the room with his toxic thoughts.

Luigi walked out the door only in a shirt and thick pants not caring about the cold harsh temperatures. " If I get buried in the snow, who would even find me", Luigi said. He kept walking and walking until he became very lost in the woods. Luigi stopped in his tracks as he heard voices, there was a slight echo so he couldn't pinpoint where they were coming from. "Who's there", Luigi asked. Luigi started to get nervous the cold air started to make him shiver. Out in every directing were Mushroom kingdom soldiers. " Freeze, we've finally found you, you traitor", one of the soldier's said. Luigi's eyes widen as he watched them get close to him. "I have to run", Luigi said.

Luigi turned and ran as fast as he could through the snow and cold streams. Luigi ran deep in the woods and soon fell down a steep hill. Luigi felt his wrist go limp as pain surged through it. Luigi sat up as he felt his leg on something cold and metal. As Luigi looked down his whole body tensed as fear infected his body.


Mario walked up to the front door of the summer home and sighed. He felt very empty, he needed to end his selfish ways. Mario walked in and noticed it was very quiet. " Luigi where are you", Mario said. Mario had a bad feeling and decided to check outside to find clues as to where he went. As he walked out a loud bloodcurdling scream echoed through the forest. Mario's body tensed, "LUIGI"!


Tears fell from Luigi's face as the blood stained the snow below him. His leg had gotten clamped between a bear trap. All feeling in his leg vanished as he started to vomit blood. Luigi wanted to call for help but the only words he could utter was babbled. He used all his strength to go down by the bear trap trying to pry it open. Screams along with vomit followed as he managed to open the trap to pull his leg out. Luigi got up and limped as best as he could to get away, his vision became blurry as he walked further through the forest. He started to get light-headed due to the loss of blood but he still kept going.

Luigi walked by a cliff and stood peering over the edge. Luigi contemplated for a moment before looking back in panic. "Freeze you have nowhere to run", a Soldier said. Luigi's mind started to wander. Everything started to flash before his eyes, his bad luck, the hate towards him, the many times' pain has struck him. When will it all end, will it ever end. Luigi backed up towards the edge of the cliff. "Don't move!", The Soldier yelled.


Mario ran through the forest and found a pool of blood near a bear trap. "No no no", Mario said as he followed the blood trail that accompanied the pool. Mario saw Luigi standing by the edge of the cliff with Mushroom Kingdom military surrounded him. Mario started crying as he saw how close Luigi was to the edge of the cliff. "LUIGI!", Mario yelled. Luigi looked over at Mario and smiled. Mario tried to get closer but Soldiers blocked his path. Mario stared at Luigi as he started to tear up as he smiled. "It's ok Mario, I'm finally free...I can finally make the pain go away".

It felt like the world slowed down as Mario watched his brother throw himself off the cliff. He felt his heart stop, his only family gone in the blink of an eye. Some soldiers ran to the edge while some tried to talk to Mario. They tried to move Mario away but he wouldn't even budge and talking to him didn't work either. Mario looked around as his vision began to blur before darkness.


"Hey, Mario". "Yeah Luigi?". "Do you ever wonder what kind of adventures Mom and Dad had?", Luigi asked. "I do sometimes, I remember them telling me a few of them before they passed.", Mario said. Luigi got up from his chair smiling brightly at Mario. "I wanna go on so many adventures that we'll go down in history", Luigi said. Mario chuckled at how happy his brother was. "But, can I ask you something", He asked. "What is that", Mario asked confused. Luigi held his hand out, "Let's go on adventures forever, just you and me". Mario smiled and held his brother's hand in a firm handshake," Of course, there is nothing that will separate us".


Mario laid Frozen on a bed in the hospital. Doctors were trying to get him to talk to make sure he was ok, but Mario managed to tune them out. However, he herd a familiar voice that snapped his mind back to reality. Toadsworth was standing with Peach and Mario felt rage fuel his body as he lunged for Toadsworth's throat. Doctors held him back before he made contact as Toadsworth stood in front of peach to protect her. "IM GONNA KILL YOU OLD MAN THIS IS ALL YOUR FALT!!", Mario screamed. The Doctors had to sedate Mario before he broke free and managed to hurt anyone. Peach and Toadsworth walked out as Peach looked at him. "What does he mean", She asked. Toadsworth sighed," I'm not sure, the cold probably screwed with his brain". They both walked away, but deep down Peach felt that something was up.

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