Chapter 27: The True Culprit

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Mario sat up in his bed with a loud bang at his door. "Who could be here at this time at night", Mario mumbled. He got out of bed and quickly fixed himself up before he opened the door. Before Mario could ask who it was, a great amount of force pressed on the door pushing Mario back. A few toad officers cane in his house along with Toadsworth right behind them. "Search this place high and low, don't leave no stone unturned", Toadsworth said. Mario grew extremely frustrated," What's the meaning of this". Toadsworth glanced at Mario before scanning the living room. "You know the meaning Mario, your brother is a felon so he must be apprehended". "You and me both know damn well he didn't do a thing", Mario growled. Toadsworth ignored Mario as a Officer came up to him," All clear Sir". Mario watched as they walked out of his home. "We will find him Mario", Toadsworth said before walking out. The door slammed shut as Mario sat on the couch scratching his head. "Its time to do my own investigations".


Mario walked out his home dressed very warm, it started to lightly snow here and there which annoyed Mario a bit. "I hate snow its too cold", Mario grumbled warming his hands up. He walked as quickly as he could to the Mushroom Kingdom to start his investigation. He spoke with a few guards about the stolen documents, but got little to no answer since they were bombarding him with questions about Luigi. Mario knew that there was one person he could count on for an answer.

Mario walked to a small house off to the side of the castle and knocked lightly. The door opened and a familiar face smiled ear to ear. "Mario its good to see you", Toad said. Toad welcomed Mario in and they sat down and had some tea. "I'm sorry what I herd was going on with Luigi", Toad said handing Mario a tea cup. "Its OK I actually came here to talk to you about something".
Toad sat across from Mario a tad confused," oh what about. "You're always cleaning around where the documents are kept, I trust you so I know you wouldn't steal, but have you seen Toadsworth come by", Mario asked. Toad though for a minute," Hmmm oh yeah I'd see Toadsworth come by late at night, he's always come and tell me that he needed to check them himself". (Hmmmmm). "Why do you ask do you think Toadsworth would steal". toad asked. "Well....", Mario sighed. "Its OK if you do, I've had my suspicions as well", Toad added. "Huh you have, like what?". Toad took a sip of his tea," Now I'm not the one to gossip so you didn't hear this from me. But a while back Toadsworth asked me to give Luigi a file with a cooking recipe for Bowser as a top secret mission". "What, I saw Luigi give that file to Bowser when I was following him", Mario gasped. (I forgot how good Luigi is with keeping secrets). "Not only that I saw a picture of that when Toadsworth was about confronting Luigi yesterday", Toad. "....It was a setup", Mario said. "I had a feeling, it just sounded all to perfect to be a coincidence-", Toad sighed," What are you going to do". "I'm gonna make sure I get all the evidence I need and show it to peach", Mario said. Mario thanked Toad for the tea and excused himself. He walked out his house to see that it was snowing. (Brrr I should check on Luigi to see if everything is fine).


Luigi laid on the bed flat on his back. He didn't really know what to do with himself. He wishes that Bowser would come by again so they could spend time together. Luigi peaked out the window to see snow falling down gracefully. "Its getting cold", Luigi said as he got up to turn on the heat. As soon as the house warmed up Luigi went to the living room and flicked on the TV. Countless channels continued to show Luigi being wanted for treason. Most news outlets kept talking about how much a disappointment Luigi was to Mario and how Mario should turn his brother in to save his reputation and not let some lowlife ruin it. Luigi flicked the TV off as he began to cry, so much he started to become paranoid about what they might do to him. Luigi started to pace around while his heart began to beat faster and faster. He heard a loud knock on the door and jumped. He slowly walked towards the door and opened it.

"L-Luigi, are you OK", Mario asked. Luigi started to relax as he sighed in relief,"I'm fine just a little tensed. Mario walked in and started to have friendly chats with him to calm him down. He walked into the kitchen and started to cook Luigi's favorite breakfast to make him smile. As Mario cooked, he wanted to tell Luigi about what he found out, but decided not to so he wouldn't stress him out. "So how are you making out", Mario asked as he sat two plats at the table. Luigi just sat in silence, not looking at Mario for one bit. "Luigi, if you're still mad about yesterday I-" "No...No its fine just-Im just stressed", Luigi said. Mario sighed a bit as the both ate in silence. Mario wanted to see his brother happy again, but it seemed little to impossible. "Luigi, I'm gonna go now, I have some business to take care of", Mario said walking to the door. Again Luigi fell silent, Mario walked out and just felt empty, he didn't know what to do. Mario started to become more angry with Bowser. Mario felt like Bowser was brainwashing Luigi to hate him. "Stupid turtle".


"You need to find him".

"Why, with him out the picture, you should be able to got through with your whimsical plan", Toads worth said. A large grin appeared on the culprits face," There is a certain someone doing a little detective work, if he find out you stole the files then they'll find out about me, now I left you a contact, call him and he'll get Luigi for you. Iiiif you don't hehe, Peach might not wake up tomorrow".

Toadsworth growled as he felt dirty doing the things he was doing. But it was all to keep the princess safe. Toadsworth took the number off the table and contacted the person right away.


"If I give this potion to my contact this would make him traumatize Luigi enough to turn himself in".


Luigi decided to take a small stroll by the lake, he hoped that it would calm him down. As Luigi walked out he instantly felt like he was being watched.(Nothing to be worried about, its just my imagination). Luigi walked around with that heavy sence of dread. (Maybe I should turn back). Luigi made it to the lake and instantly felt eyes burning on the back of his skull. (I should go, I don't feel safe here). As Luigi turned around his heart sank. A huge pig with a shell emerged from the woods. "M-Midbus...I thought Bowser..". Luigi remembered back to when him and Mario where inside Bowser and he had to fight him, Bowser won and he was never seen again. "I back I here to take you to Boss", Midbus growled. The way Midbus was looking at Luigi made him very uncomfortable. Luigi  tried to inch in different directions but his eyes were locked on him. (I don't think I can get away from him). Luigi decided to run away, but Midbus was extremely faster than him. Luigi screamed loudly as he found himself pinned to the ground, Midbus's tongue was sticking out dripping drool all over Luigi's face. A long slimy lick was placed upon Luigi's neck as he began to tremble. He started to fight his way out but to no avail Midbus was so heavy that he wasn't budging. Luigi felt a strong grip on the back of his head as midbus gave Luigi a long sloppy kiss. Luigi gagging and crying kept trying to break free from his grasp. Midbus became heavily annoyed as slapped Luigi. "You Filthy Whore", A large toothy grim appeared on midbus's face and droll dripped on Luigi's stone cold face mixing in with his tears. "We gonna play my game, if you like it or no".

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