Chapter 5 : Suppressed Emotions

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A day has passed and Luigi began to get a tad nervous. He began wondering when Mario was going to get here, he couldn't take the pampering of Bowser and being in such a cramped cell. Luigi sat up in the bed and sighed. He felt like he was going to go crazy if he didn't get out of this cell. As if he was reading his mind he heard heavy footsteps. "Good morning Princess, I brought breakfast", Bowser smiled. He brought a large portion of food, too much for Luigi to eat on his own. "I decided to bring extra so we could eat together, wouldn't that be romantic", He beamed. "Um I hope you don't mind, but I'd rather eat alone", Luigi said letting out a few fake coughs. "I don't want you to get sick", he said. Bowser looked disappointed," Oh OK". Bowser took a majority of the food and left the cell, but before he was completely out of sight Luigi called out to him. "Um Bowser wait", Luigi said running to the Cell entrance. "Its a tad stuffy down here, maybe I'd get better faster if I take a walk outside". Bowser looked at Luigi and smiled, "Oh, of course, I'll show you my favorite spots around the castle". Luigi thought that if he was outside then Mario would have an easier time saving him. "See you later Peach", Bowser said smiling ear to ear. Once Bowser could no longer be heard or seen, Luigi walked over to his breakfast to begin eating. He made sure to face away from the cell door in case some unexpected visitors showed up. Luigi was quite impressed by how well put together the meal was, a lot better than what the Mushroom Kingdom had to offer. Once Luigi was finished he went to clean up in the restroom closely attached to the cell. Luigi made sure the bathroom door was lock so no one would come in. Luigi finally got undressed, and he just sat around in the bathroom a bit before he got in the shower. Luigi was really happy that he could finally take the dress off. He started up the water and quickly got in, sighing in relief as the nice warm water sprayed on his skin. as Luigi stood in the shower he began to go deep in thought. (What if Mario doesn't come, What if Mario did this to get rid of him). Luigi sighed as he started to clean his hair. As he was cleaning his hair he felt an odd presence, as if someone was watching him. Luigi tried to ignore the feeling, but the feeling grew stronger. He felt the eyes that were watching him burning into his skull. Luigi couldn't take it anymore and peaked out the shower. He looked around and just as expected, no one was there. Luigi shut off the water and hopped out the shower to start drying off. When Luigi was completely dry he placed the dress back on slowly just so he didn't tear anything. He put on everything, however, he was missing just one thing. "Where's my mask", Luigi said frantically searching the bathroom. "Fuck fuck fuck, where is it". Luigi thought of one more place the mask could be. "Please don't be out there". Luigi slowly peaked out the bathroom and into the cell. (OK I need to search this cell as fast as I can). Luigi slowly walked out of the bathroom and turned to close the door behind him. "Well if it isn't Luigi". Luigi's body tensed up, his body began to tremble in fear. (Oh...oh no). Luigi slowly turned his head to see who was behind him. "K-Kamek...", Luigi gasped. "Did you really think you could fool me with that disguise too, it looks bad on you", Kamek Chuckled. Kamek went into his pocket and tossed Luigi his mask. "Why are you giving this back", Luigi said. Kamek chuckled," because...I want to see how Bowser reacts when he finds out it's you. I don't think you can keep that whole sick act up". Luigi heard the sound of heavy footsteps and quickly put his mask back on. Once Bowser arrived his eyes glared at Kamek. "Why are you here Kamek, you're not bothering her are you!?", He growled. "No sir, she was wondering where you were", Kamek replied. Bowser blushed," Hehe you couldn't wait for me to come back could you". Bowser guided you out of the cell and held your hand. Luigi then noticed that Bowser was a tad shorter. Instead of being a few feet taller than Luigi, he was a few inches taller. "You're kinda short today", Luigi said. "Oh you noticed...well I get bigger when I'm stressed, but since I'm with you I'm stress-free", Bowser smiles. Luigi found himself chuckling from Bowser's remark. Bowser held Luigi's hand softly as they made their way out the dungeon and outside. Luigi was kinda upset that there was nothing but lava for miles. "I know its not the best view, but I can make up for it", Bowser said. They both walk to a two-seated clown car. "After you", Bowser said opening the door for Luigi. Luigi sat down in the car as Bowser got in on the other side. "I'm going to take you somewhere special today", Bowser said.


"Lui-gi", Mario moans out in pain. peach entered the Infirmary to check on how Mario was doing. "Toadsworth how is he", Peach asked. Toadsworth adjusted his glasses," Bad, he calls out Luigi's name ever so often and then shortly after he tries to run away, but he passes out from the pain. This time we had to put restraints around his arms to keep him from further injury". "Mario....", Peach sighed. "What about the rescue team we sent out", Peach asked. Toadsworth walked the princess over to a separate room that was filled with injured toads. "Oh no", Peach gasped. "They made it to the front of bowsers castle and were ambushed", Toadsworth said. Peach looked at everyone that was injured and began tearing up. She wondered what would happen to Luigi once bowser found out it wasn't her.


"Here we are princess", Bowser said as he pulled up to a magnificent garden. As Luigi stepped out of the car, he looked out in amazement. The garden was so beautiful, way better than the ones in the mushroom kingdom. "Bowser it's lovely", Luigi said staring out at the flowers. "I'm glad you like it, princess, It took a while to do, but I manage", Bowser chuckled. "You did this yourself"? Bowser nodded," Yes it helps me relax when I'm stressed. Luigi watched as Bowser walked over to a birdbath that had a bouquet placed beside it. He picked it up and walked over to Luigi handing it to him. "For you Princess", Bowser said smiling. Luigi couldn't understand. As scary as Bowser may seem, he works so hard just to win peaches heart. Luigi began thinking, Bowser does all this and Mario doesn't really do anything. Why hasn't Peach fallen for bowser? "What am I thinking", Luigi grumbles. "Huh you say something princess", Bowser said refilling the birdbath. "No everything is fine Bowser", Luigi chuckled. A couple of hours passed as Luigi and Bowser strolled around the Garden taken in the scenery. Luigi began to grow more and more anxious as the day Mario said he was going to save him was coming to an end. "Princess", Bowser said. Luigi was too anxious to reply still nervous millions of questions running through his head. "Princess, are you OK", Bowser said tapping his shoulder. "Oh...yes Bowser", Luigi sighed. Bowser looked at Luigi and placed a finger under Luigi's chip to get Luigi to look at him. "Princess you're so pretty, even with that mask on". "I know how about we watch the sunset together, that might make you feel better", Bowser said walking Luigi to a clear opening to sit. They both sat looking at the sunset watching the beautiful vibrant colors dance around the sky. "It's beautiful, I've never seen anything like it", Luigi said. "I'm happy you like it", Bowser smiled. As the sun finally went down Luigi's heart sank. Mario was nowhere to be seen or heard of. "Bowser I'm kinda tired, can we go back please", Luigi asked. Bowser held his hand out to help him up," Sure thing Peach, I'm getting sleepy too". Bowser walked Luigi back to the clown car and Luigi stated out at the scenery hoping that Mario will come last second. ( promised). Luigi started trembling as doubt began to cloud his mind. The memories of the past few days began to replay over in his mind. Luigi then began to feel a familiar emotion. He felt the arms of the feeling wrap around him and whisper more doubt within his head. "Here we are princess", Bowser said. Luigi snapped out of it as Bowser began to slowly guide Luigi back to the cell. "Goodnight Princess", Bowser said smiling. Luigi waved back and sat on the bed looking at the clock. 11:59 PM. Luigi stared hoping Mario would come in this last second. Luigi couldn't understand why Mario was taking so long, usually, it would take less than a day to get here. "What if...they wanted to get rid of me". "What if having me around, was nothing but a waste of space". "Maybe Mario wanted me to disappear". Luigi's chest began to hurt and his blood began to boil the raw emotion building up inside was slowly beginning to erupt. Luigi stared at the clock, still 11:59. Luigi watched the second-hand move, slowly, fist clenched. And then it happened. 12:00 AM.
" said you were going to save me". Luigi recognized the emotion burning deep within himself. He at first thought it was anger, something he felt a few days ago. But no today was different, this burning emotion that now wrapped around Luigi's soul. Was hatred. He no longer was angry with Mario, but now he hated Mario. " so-called brother". And just like that the words slipped out with ease with regret being suppressed away in the small corner of Luigi's mind. The words left an amazing taste in Luigi's mouth, giving off the feeling of ecstasy. "I hate you, Mario".

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