Chapter 22: Choices

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"Well well well, look who decided to show up uninvited", Bowser said. "I invited myself, I have things I need to ask you", Mario said. "What, not like I'd give you an answer", Bowser growled. The more Bowser stared at Mario the more angry he got, as gruesome as it seemed, he wanted to tear Mario apart. Bowser charged for Mario, but he jumped just in time. "What did you do to Luigi", Mario yelled. Bowser growled," Why do you care". Mario jumped up high and Bowser was unable to move quickly enough, causing Mario to stomp on his head. Bowser rubbed his head, he knew Mario wasn't playing around. Bowser Charged again this time breathing a fire ball out his mouth hitting Mario directly on his shoulder. Mario fell to the ground holding his shoulder in pain. "Tell me, What are you telling my Brother to make him turn on his own kingdom", Mario groand. "Nothing , He comes to me to talk, express how he's feeling", Bowser said. "Well I don't want you near my Brother, he can come to me, you're nothing but bad news", Mario yelled throwing a fire ball. It hit Bowser but didn't do much to hurt him. Bowser got close and in Mario's face, he could smell the fear off of Mario. "What so if he tells you something you don't like you can hit him again", Bowser growled. Mario snapped and punched Bowser hard in his eye. He roared loudly covering his face. "I-I WOULD NEVER HURT MY BROTHER SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH". Bowser was at the point of no return his rage for Mario seemed to had grown extremely strong. "You're nothing, but a selfish Monster, you kidnap Peach and terrorize our kingdom" Mario ran to Bowser to give a final blow, but He swung his arm slashing Mario across his chest as he was flung against a wall. Mario coughed up blood and started shaking. (Why...Why am I scared). "You know nothing about Luigi, I'll make sure you no longer hurt him", Bowser roared. They continued to thrash about Bowser doing the most damage to Mario. Mario started to stumble his vision becoming blurry. "I won't let you near Luigi", Mario yelled. Mario stared at Bowser," I don't know how Luigi could be near you, you bring nothing but suffering, He's my brother, I know what best for him to keep him safe, and you....YOU giant pest with pay for messing with him". Bowser had it, Mario is treating Luigi like property, he doesn't care for is Brothers feelings. Mario ran up to Bowser, but he snapped. Bowser blew fire out his breath and burned his arm. Mario screamed in pain as he held his arm. As he was on the ground, Bowser continuously kicked and punched Mario until he was completely Bloody.

Bowser pinned Mario to the ground and wrapping both is hands around Mario's neck. Mario began to scratch at his hands gargling and trying to gasp for air. He was too weak to push Bowser off but he was left squirming under him. "You're full of it, you never cared for Luigi, you do nothing but hurt Luigi,'LL KILL YOU". Mario's face began to turn a dark purple his grasp on like slowly fading. Bowser was about to end Mario's life with a long agonizing fire breath until....

"BOWSER!", a familiar voice said. Off from the side ran in Luigi crying. "Please Bowser stop, don't hurt him". Bowser could hear Luigisince he was so focused into Mario. "Don't take him away, please don't do it-", Luigi began crying louder,"- He's the only family I have, I know he's made mistake, but I can't lose him". Luigi's plead finally got to Bowser and He let got of Mario. Bowser stared to tear up knowing that he was hurting the man he loves. Mario gagged and coughed up more blood. He grabbed his throat but still felt like Bowser was suffocating him. He was able to stand up, but stumbled over towards Luigi. "L..Lui-gi", Mario said before collapsing. Luigi ran to Mario's aid. "Mario...MARIO!", Luigi yelled. Bowser stared at the two," Luigi..I-I wanted to stop myself, but I couldn't...I'm sorry". Bowser wanted to hold Luigi, but he felt that Luigi didn't want him near him. "Can..can you just take us home", Luigi mumbled. Bowser quickly without hesitation guided Luigi to his clown car. Bowser carefully places Mario in the back seat. The drove in nothing but silence, Bowser was becoming more and more upset trying to talk to Luigi but got nothing.

They made it to Mario and Luigi's house and Luigi laid Mario carefully in his bed fully bandaged up. He walked out Mario's room and saw Bowser sitting quietly on the couch. "You're house is nice and cozy, you should invite me over sometimes", Bowser smiled. Luigi stared at Bowser and sat next to him. "Luigi I , I don't know...what happened", He sighed. Luigi leaned into Bowser," I know...its just, I don't know". Luigi sat up and rubbed His cheeks," You're so cute". "I'd stay longer, but I have to check on Junior", Bowser said. He got up from the couch and headed for the front door. "Bye...sorry", Bowser said before closing the door behind him. Luigi waved and sighed. He walked back to Mario's room to see he was awake but staring up at the ceiling. "L-Luigi", he said. Luigi walked over to his brother's side. "I'm sorry that this happened to you, I've should've talked to you more about how I felt", Luigi said. He watched him go back to sleep as he walked out and into his room. (How am I going to do this). (Mario and Bowser hate each other so much, but I care for them equally, how do I choose). Luigi laid down on his bed and slowly drifted off to sleep.


"So you have the documents I need right"

"Yep everything you need, so when will you start you're plan".

"Soon enough soon enough, but here's you're end of the deal-"

"- you worked so hard to get me those plans for future weapons, I'll make sure to leave your princess alone".

"How do I give it to her"

"Easy just slip the antidote in her tea, you always bring her tea so it wouldn't be hard-."

"-I had to threaten the blonde space princess that I'd kill all the lunas if she didn't poison her tea"

"What do you want from her"

"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now keep your mouth shut old man or I'll have to kill you, I'm always watching.

Forbidden Love ( Bowser X Luigi )Where stories live. Discover now