Chapter 16: My Fluttering Heart

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Luigi snuck back into his house and laid flat on his bed. He his hand over his lips and blushed once more. He couldn't believe that he kissed Bowser. The thought of it rattled his mind, he felt so happy. Luigi got up and looked in the living room and saw Mario still wasn't home. (I'll cook dinner for him). Luigi went into the kitchen to Begin cooking. As he was cooking Bowser couldn't escape his thoughts, Luigi kept smiling, blushing lightly. (He so wonderful). Luigi finished cooking and heard the front door open. He turned around to see Mario and Peach. Luigi was a tad disappointed to see Peach, he just wanted to have dinner with his brother. "Um Hi you two", Luigi said. His mood changed slightly but Mario didn't seem to notice. "Luigi, I brought Peach over to have dinner with us if you don't mind", Mario said. Peach waved with a cheery smile. Luigi waved back," Yeah I don't mind". Mario and Peach set the table as Luigi finished prepping dinner. They all sat and had casual conversation, but it was mainly between Mario and Peach. Peach looked at Luigi," Luigi I would like to inform you that we finally have all those images and news articles taken down, however a lot of people seen, hopefully they could forgive and forget". Luigi thought about the death threats he received and highly doubt people would forgive him. "I hope so", Luigi grumbled. "So what's did you do today", Mario asked. Luigi instantly thought back to Him spending time with Bowser and kissing him. He blushed a tad and looked at Mario trying not to look to awkward. "I just watched TV that's all", Luigi smiled. Mario smiled back, they all finished and Mario and Luigi sat on the couch to watch a movie together,while Luigi went back into his room. Luigi sat on his bed and let Bowser invade his thoughts again.


Luigi didn't want the kiss to end but it soon ended when Luigi remembered he had to get home. They both pulled apart and smiled at each other. Bowser stood up and helped Luigi up. "I have to go before Mario finds out I'm gone..", Luigi sighed. He looked very upset, but Bowser gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. "I'll take you home", Bowser said. They both strolled to Bowser's Clown car hand in hand and once they made it, Bowser drove Luigi home. They both sat in Bowser's car a little bit Luigi held Bowsers hand again and smiled and bowser smiled back. They both leaned into another kissing again. They pulled away and sat in joy. "Luigi", Bowser said. Luigi looked at Bowser and smiled. Bowser stared a bit as, Luigi eyes were so pretty along with his cute smile. "Can we spend more time together soon", Bowser asked. Luigi looked deep into Bowser's Crimson eyes. "Yes I'd love to", Luigi said. Luigi gave Bowser one last kiss and got out Bowsers car. They both wave as Bowser Drove off. Bowser made it back home and saw Junior, sitting in front of the TV Coloring in his book. "Hi Papa", Bowser Jr.,Waved. Bowser ruffled his sons hair and sat on the couch behind him. "How was school", Bowser asked. Junior smiled and jumped up with joy," We did a science experiment and made a mini volcano, it was cool, Mr. kamek made various things come out like bubbles and fireworks". "That sounds like fun", Bowser smiled. "What did you do", Junior asked. "Bowser thought back and remembered how amazing Kissing Luigi was, he was so tiny he felt like a small teddy bear. "I just did my normal work that's all hehe", Bowser smiled. Bowser got up from his seat and Junior did too. "Let's go, I'll make us dinner". Junior smiled as he held his Dad's hand and headed to the kitchen.


Luigi woke up from a very rough night. He had barely got a lot of sleep since Mario was making a lot of noise him his room. Luigi got up and decide to go for a walk to wake him up. He stepped outside to take in all the fresh air. (Its a nice day today). Luigi walked on a path in a park around his house. He decided to go down this path for a change in scenery. Sometimes going down the path to the secluded forest can be tiresome to Luigi because it tended to be dark. As Luigi was walking the path he did notice he got a few stares from people that were also up this time of the morning. (I guess people are still upset with me). As Luigi walked he looked down and saw a familiar face doing a few stretches. "Waluigi!", Luigi yelled. Waluigi turned around removing a earbud and waved. Waluigi walked over to Luigi and gave him a hug. "What's up Luigi", Waluigi smiled. "Not much just going for a walk that's all, I didn't know you be up this early", Luigi said. The both continued to walk down the path. "Yeah I always get up this early for a jog, and to wake Wario up as well". "Oh how's Wario doing", Luigi asked. "He's doing great, I'm trying to get him to go on jogs with me because his belly has been getting a little too big, but I still love it", Waluigi said blushing. "I still remember the wedding when one of his buttons popped on his suit", Luigi giggled. "Yeah, he's very stocky and short so it was hard to get a suit to look right on him", Waluigi said very happy. "They don't make suits for people that are 5'2", Luigi asked. Waluigi shook his head," By the way how's Mario. "Y'know same old same old. "Pfft we need to hang out more hehe, but Mario and Wario can't stand to be near each other", Waliuigi said. Luigi nodded and they stopped at a bench. "So why are you out this early", Waluigi asked. "I just decided to take a stroll, I didn't sleep will last night, Mario had Peach over", Luigi groaned. "Aww poor thing, by the way not to upset you, I saw those reports on TV", Waluigi said. "Oh...". "I just wanna let you know I'm here for you, I never liked Daisy anyway to be honest, no offense", Waluigi said. "None taken", Luigi replied. Waluigi's watch beeped and he stood up, "Oh I have to go now, Wario should be waking up now". "Waluigi waved at Luigi as he continued his jog. "Bye", Luigi said turning away. Luigi walked back to his house and walked in through the door and saw Mario just walking up. "Morning", Luigi said. Mario yawned and waved back, he looked extremely tired. Luigi turned away from Mario," Bro I think you're very tired...look down". Mario looked and quickly went back into his room and came back out. "Sorry you had to see that", Mario yawned. "Wouldn't be the first", Luigi sighed. "I had to take Peach home late last night", Mario said as he sat at the couch. "Why", Luigi asked. "Toadsworth called and said they had something very important to discuss today, they also wanted us to be there too", Mario said. Luigi sighed," Guess I'll get ready then. 

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