Chapter 26: My New Life

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Luigi ran and ran, he was tired, but no matter what he couldn't stop running. While running he started sobbing. He couldn't believe it , his whole world started to crash down into an abyss. He tripped over a log and fell rolling down a short hill covering himself in dirt and scrapes. He got up slowly crying, he wanted to start over, he wanted to be loved by everyone again, he wanted nothing but good things to happen to him.

Luigi walked a bit trying to figure out where to go until he felt someone grab is shoulder. "Ahhhh noooo", Luigi said falling. "Luigi", A familiar voice said. He looked up and saw Mario, but Mario looked very different, there was a different aura around him. "M-mario", Luigi said. "Luigi , I really don't have anything to say to you", Mario said sounding hurt. "I-I can't process what I saw in those images especially with Bowser, after I asked you if you were hiding anything from me", Mario said. Luigi could hear the hurt in his brothers voice. "I-I'll just hide with Bowser", Luigi said. Mario shot a glare," No, its too easy, they'll find you for sure...go to our vacation house by the beach, its winter so no one would check a summer home". Luigi took a small step towards the summer home. "I'll check on you when I get the chance", Mario said before running off. Luigi rubbed his eyes and ran quickly towards Bowser's castle.


Luigi made it to Bowser's front door and knocked on it. Bowser opened the door and gasped,"Luigi what's going on you look terrible". Luigi explained everything, and he could see the panic and anger on his face. "Bowser I have to go hide", Luigi said. Luigi went to turn around but Bowser grabbed his arm. "Please, at least tell me where you're going", He asked. Luigi went and kissed Bowser. "Mario and My beach house OK, we'll talk more later", Luigi said before running off. Bowser watched as Luigi ran off, he couldn't believe it, he felt so much anger build up. "You'll pay Toadsworth, you old bastard".


After walking hours in the cold harsh weather, Luigi finally made it to the beach house. It started to rain once Luigi made it to the house and fell to his knees in exhaustion. Luigi and Mario's beach house was small, two small rooms a bathroom, kitchen and Big Living area. But it was ever so cozy. Luigi turned on the heat and removed all his clothes and found spare pajamas. He changed into them and went into his room and plopped down on the bed. Luigi loved this summer home, he'd remember all the times Mario and him came to the beach every year along with Toad, and Peach. He walked over to a TV in the room and saw that there was no power whatsoever. "Damn it". Luigi slipped on some shoes and walked around to the back of the house to the generator. "Its frozen solid", Luigi sighed. He walked back into the house and checked that since the heat was connected to the power, it was also off. "No wonder it was still cold". Luigi walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, to see that it was empty, which was expected. Luigi sat on the couch and sighed. It wasn't long until he began to miss his home. He wanted to go home and live how he normally lived. Being in this house under the circumstances that's he was in, made it feel like he was in Bowser's Dungeon again.

A light knocking was heard from the front door. Luigi jumped up and slowly crept towards the door. (No, they couldn't have found me here). Luigi looked through the small peephole and saw something large and scaly. Luigi opened the door slowly and saw Bowser standing in front of the door. Luigi swung the door open and jumped into Bowser's arms sobbing lightly. "I'm so happy to see you", Luigi said. After there long hug Bowser walked around the room and shivered a bit. "Its freezing in here", Bowser said. "Yeah the generator is frozen solid out back", Luigi sighed. Bowser raised a brow," Show me where it is". Luigi took Bowser to the back where the generator was. He let out a lot breath of fire and Luigi watch as the ice melted away, it looked so pretty watching Bowser's flame sparkle with the water. Once the ice was melted Bowser flipped the switch on and Luigi watched as all the lights in the house flipped on. "Brrrrr let's get inside", Luigi said as he held Bowser's hand. They both walk into the living room and plopped down on the couch and flicked the TV on. Bowser took up most of the space on the couch, but Luigi didn't mind at all. On the TV there was nothing but Luigi  face plastered on various news channels. Luigi started to feel sick as Bowser flicked the TV off. "I know you didn't do anything", Bowser said. Luigi leaned on Bowser," I know, why me....why is everything being blammed on me". "There's something fishy going on, and I'll make sure I find out ok", Bowser growled. Bowser looked at Luigi in his beautiful blue eyes. "I love you Luigi, I want you to be happy". Luigi smiled really brightly and slowly leaned for a kiss.

Before their lips could touch, the door quickly opened up and Luigi jumped back. He watched as Mario walked in with a few bags. Once Mario was fully in he froze staring at Bowser. Mario mumbled something under his breath before bringing his attention to Luigi. "I brought you things to keep you occupied and some food so you don't starve", Mario said. Luigi got up and and walked over to Mario standing in the Kitchen area. "Why is he here", Mario mumbled under his breath. Luigi sighed," H...He's just here to comfort me that's all". Mario rolled his eyes and Luigi could feel how angry Mario was by the way he was forcefully placing down the contents in the bags. Mario grumbled and yelled at Bowser without looking his way," You can leave I'm here so go". "I'm not here for you I'm here for Luigi", Bowser growled. Mario slammed a can on the ground. And walked over to Bowser. "Go away and stop brainwashing my brother", Mario yelled. Bowser towered over Mario and blew smoke from his nose,"I'm not brainwashing him, I'm actually caring for him, something that you don't know how to do". "You're no good, you terrorize kingdoms, and such a nuisance to be around you dumb lizard", Mario yelled. "Listen you little punkass, You're nothing but a low rate plumber that's no good at anything else, last time I check you just go out and Party, while Luigi stays home and does all of the work because of you're lazy ass", Bowser said. Both of them started to go back and fort and it was slowly beginning to frustrate him. "And another thing keep your dirty lips off my brother you filthy creature", Mario snarled. Bowser mumbled something to Mario and in a blink Mario punched Bowser very hard that his nose began to bleed. Bowser gave a quick jab to Mario's stomach making him spit blood. They continued to start yelling and Luigi snapped. "Both of you shut the fuck up and get out", Luigi yelled. They both stared at Luigi as he yelled crying. "I'm tired of hearing you both argue everytime you two meet, its not helping me at all, just go away". Silence filled the room as Bowser slowly walked by Luigi. Bowser looked like he wanted a kiss but Luigi was so upset that he walked away. Bowser walked out and Mario stuck around for a bit. "Leave", Luigi yelled. Mario looked a tad hurt and disappointed. Mario walked to the door and looked at Luigi. "Be careful around here, there are Bear sightings around here, so watch out for bear traps". Mario walked out locking the door behind him. Luigi put all the food, books and clothes Mario brought for him and went back to his room. He flicked on the TV and turned quickly past the news stations to a Movie channel. He turned off all the lights around the house before laying down on the bed watching Movies. He felt that some movies were teasing him, showing off people with their perfect lives with no drama. He quickly flicked the TV off and fell asleep.

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