Chapter 21: My Brother

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Luigi slowly began to wake up in a familiar setting. Bowser's arms were so big that they felt nice to be wrapped in. As nice as it was to be wrapped in his arms He still didn't feel the same. Luigi felt his face and the pain from Mario's slap seemed to be worse. Luigi felt empty the thought that Mario would hit him hurt him a lot. Luigi moved himself from under Bowser's grasp and sat at the edge of the bed. Luigi's movement was just enough to wake Bowser up. "You're awake", Bowser said as he crawled behind Luigi to hug him. Luigi still not saying a word just sighed. Bowser sat next to Luigi trying to get am answer out of him. "Luigi, please tell me who hurt you". Luigi started to tear up," Don't be mad". Bowser used His fingers to wipe away his tears," I won't". Bowser kissed Luigi's forehead. "Mario and I got into and argument, and...he hit me-", Luigi said. Luigi could look at Bowser and deep withing his eyes he saw an infinite amount of rage build up. Bowser began to shake a bit. "-it was my fault.. I provoked him". "That's doesn't give him the right to hit you Luigi-", Bowser said kissing his cheek."-Why did he hit you." Luigi explained to him the whole situation on why Mario was upset. Luigi could see that Bowser was waiting to explode, "He's your brother why didn't he trust you, why was he spying on you, how could he turn on his brother so quickly, why would he hurt you like that!". Bowser asked Luigi to be excused and he walked out. A few seconds after Luigi heard a loud Bang. Bowser comes back into the room with bandages to cover Luigi's bruse. "What was that", Luigi asked. Bowser smiled all the anger Luigi saw before seemed to be gone," oh the Goombas are just testing out the canons". Luigi knew Bowser was lying since he saw his hand was slightly bruised. "Let's take a walk in the garden", Bowser smiled as he finished covering Luigi's bruise. Luigi nodded and took Bowser's hand. As he walked out with Bowser he saw a hole in the brick wall of the castle and looked back at Bowser slightly bruised hand.

Bowser talked more with Luigi trying to get him in the best mood possible. It seemed to really work as Luigi began talking how he normally would. "Bowser, Thank you", Luigi said. Bowser smiled," I didn't do much". Luigi hugged Bowser. "You're the only one that makes me happy, you're the only one that trust me". Bowser blushed, Luigi's words touched him. "Well its because umm". Bowser began to become very nervous. He wasn't sure if he was ready tell him those magic words. Luigi held his face looking into his Bright crimson eyes. "Don't rush to say it", Luigi said. The both smiled. Bowser watch out into the distance to see the sun had started to set. "I guess you have to go now", Bowser said. Luigi held Bowser's hand," I wanted to ask if..I could spend a few days here". Bowser's was astonished, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, his heart began to flutter and his cheeks turned red. "Yes you can stay as long as you like", he replied. Luigi was extremely happy, it was so hard to contain his excitement. "How about I make us dinner, I think Junior's probably home from school".


Mario sat on the couch staring off into the wall in front of him. Although Luigi showed up not so long ago, it still felt like he was missing. The phone rang and Mario quickly picked it up. "Hello", Mario said.

"Mario its Toadsworth", he said.

"Oh, what is it"

"Have you found Luigi yet, we had sent a search out for him just not so long ago".

"Luigi is home, took you long enough".

"Mario, you know how missing persons cases go".


"Mario I'm going through a lot at the moment, I don't need your disrespect to add to it".

"What's going on"

"Document after document keeps turning up missing".

"When was the last one stolen"

" Three days ago, around the same time Luigi went missing".

"....I have to go"

Mario quickly hung up the phone before Toadsworth could finish his sentence. I need to know why Luigi is seeing Bowser, what is he doing to his brother. Mario walked up to Luigi's door and knocked on it. "Luigi can we talk please", Mario asked. Mario was expecting to be ignored by Luigi, but he surprisingly opened his door.

Luigi stared at Mario with an 1000 miles death stare. "What", Luigi spat out. The stood in silence for a moment. "Can..can you please at least tell me why you spend so much time at Bowser's Castle. People are starting to think that you really are a traitor", Mario begged. Luigi stared at Mario before closing his door. Mario sighed, there was only one other way to find out. Mario had to ask Bowser himself. (I have to confront Bowser, its the only way. Maybe I can also find out what he's done to Luigi).

Mario quickly went into his room to get ready for is walk up to Bowser's Castle. He made sure he had a lot of fire flowers just in case. Mario walked up to Luigi's door and knocked on it once more,"Luigi, I'm going to going out for a bit, OK". No response. Mario quickly left out the door and marched his way to Bowser's Castle.


Bowser was sitting in his throne room as him and kamek talked. "How many documents are missing", He asked. "A couple dozen, its so strange we had someone guarding them every hour. I profiled all the guards, but their alibis a solid tight". Bowser was trying to pinpoint who could be stealing Military documents, and how. That thought was quickly pushed aside when a koopatroopa burst in the throne room. "King Bowser", he shreaked. "Huh what is it", He asked. "Mario was just seen-". Before the koopa could finish Mario hopped over it and landed in front of Bowser. "I got this", Kamek said. However Mario threw a fire ball at Kamek burning his wand to bits. Kamek quickly disappeared out of embarrassment along with the koopa. "MARIO", Bowser yelled before stomping down in front of him. "Bowser", Mario said. Bowser smirked and thought to himself. (You'll pay for hurting Luigi).

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