Chapter 30: Jealously

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Mario arrived at Bowser's castle hiding in a bush nearby. "Stupid Bowser, I knew I shouldn't have told him about Toadsworth", Mario grunted. Mario ran and jumped into a nearby window and landed into a pantry. He peeked out the door to see no one was around. "Toadsworth is probably in the dungeon", Mario mumbled. He quickly navigated through the castle trying to avoid every enemy for a quick getaway.

Mario made his way down to the dungeon searching each cell to find Toadsworth. (He has to be somewhere). Mario finally made it to a cell and froze. "T-Toadsworth!", Mario said.


Bowser chained up Toadsworth to a wall, arms extended in the air. "Why have you taken me", Toadsworth said. Bowser still continued to fix his chains ignored his question. "I don't think I've done anything to-". A heavy punch was dealt with Toadsworth side making him gag and cough up blood. "Shut up you fucking liar", Bowser growled. "I know you were the one that stole your own kingdoms military documents and blamed it on Luigi". Toadsworth kept coughing and growled. "It was a sacrifice that had to be made for the safety of Princess Peach", Toadsworth added. Bowser blood started to boil, he tried to walk around to keep himself calm but it didn't work. "Why Luigi?", Bowser asked. Silence filled the room as Toadsworth swayed back and forth. "Who would believe him". Bowser stared as he charged wrapping his hands around Toadsworths throat. "Who would believe Luigi, he's just a sidekick. Mario is too famous so him doing something like stealing from the kingdom would be impossible to believe. So I chose Luigi a lowlife with no popularity whatsoever. Because he's always with Mario everyone would know his face. I will see it through that he is put in jail for the rest of his life". Bowser's grip on his neck got tighter, you're going to put him in jail for something you did to wipe your ass clean!". "Nonono not just that, *cough* but as I was sending operatives to spy on him, they saw your 'relations' with Luigi-. Bowser's eyes widen as he slowly let how of Toadsworth. Bowser couldn't believe it, he knew what would happen if Luigi is caught. "Not only would he be reprehended, but he would be put to death". "You'd rather sacrifice an innocent life, then to take the blame just to save your kingdom", Bowser said turning pale. "You don't understand, after the princess's parents passed away, I took care of her. She's like a daughter to me, and I'd do anything to protect my daughter", Toadsworth spat. "You're a sick man", Bowser growled as he scrapped the walls with his claws. "What would you do if someone threatened to hurt your son Bowser". "Leave my son out of this", Bowser growled. "What if someone threatened your son, you'd do the same as me, you'd want to do whatever it takes to keep him safe. Bowser-". Toadsworth tilted his head staring Bowser dead in his eyes."- Where is Jr. anyway". Bowser felt something snap within his mind. No one with threatening the life of his son. "I'm not gonna kill you Toadsworth-", Bowser said. Smoke started to emerge from his mouth."-I'm going to make sure you'll wish you've never been born".


Toadsworth was dangling from the wall, his face was extremely disfigured to the point that Mario questioned if that was even Toadsworth. Mario quickly unshackled him as he fell limp into his arms. "Mario", Toadsworth said. "I can't believe Bowser did this to you", Mario said. He got Toadsworth to a quiet place and laid him down to rest. "Stay here and rest, I'm going to find a way out", Mario said. He left to go back to the room Toadsworth was and was surprised to see Bowser there.

"Bowser!", Mario yelled. Bowser stared at Mario with a cold dead expression. "Where is he", He asked. "I won't tell you, you won't get to him", Mario said. "He hurt Luigi, and he threatens my son, I can't take it, I'm going to kill that old man", Bowser said. "No I won't let you, there is another way to go at this", Mario shouted. Bowser grumbled stomping about, "There you go acting all high and mighty". Mario stopped and stared at Bowser. "I can see why Luigi can't stand you, you always have to be in control of everything, well no I. Won't. Have. It.". Bowser tried to rush by Mario, but he stopped him. "No, I won't let you find him. You can say all you want, you're just toying with Luigi, you're just using him to get to peach. You're nothing but a monster that's just as worthless as Toadsworth right now.

A huge brawl emerged from the cell as both Mario and Bowser swung, bit, and bruise each other causing as much damage as they could. "All your doing is getting in the way of everything", Mario said throwing fireballs at the bowser. Bowser had enough and flung Mario against a wall slashing him with his claws. Mario fumbled on the ground coughing up blood. "All you do is anger me, more than you have before, I'm done with your stupid kingdom, I'm done with you stupid, Princess-. Bowser pinned Mario on the ground raising his arm in the air ready to dig his claws into him. "-And I'm done with You!". Before he could give the finishing blow Mario began crying. "Ok...fine, do it, kill me", Mario said as tears rolled down his face. Bowser hesitated for it bit. "It's not like Luigi would care if I wasn't around", Mario said. Bowser lowered his arm, he started to think about Luigi, he would miss his brother if he killed him. "Luigi deserves better than me anyway". Bowser sighed," Mario...Why do you hate me". Mario looked away from bowser," What do you mean". "Honestly you hated me when I use to kidnap peach, but ever since I started dating Luigi, you started to act extremely nasty to me now", Bowser said. Mario gulped and wiped away his tears," I-I was afraid that you were going to take Luigi away from me". Bowser lifted Mario off the ground as he continued. "I was like this when he dated Daisy, Luigi is everything to me. I began to become selfish, I wanted all his attention I wanted to be the only one he looked up to". Mario fixed his hat trying to calm his nerves," It was nice to have a small cheerleader behind you, congratulating you on all your success, and I admired that from Luigi. So much that I didn't want it to end, so when I saw that he was dating you I began to feel jealous. I didn't want him to pay attention to anyone else but me, I didn't want anyone to make him happy, but me. Not only that once scandals started blooming about him I threw away his feeling for my own, only caring about how his failures would make me look. Now, look at what my selfishness got him, Raped and traumatized. I'm no brother, I'm just a monster". Mario got up and opened his arms tears rolling down his face. "So please do Luigi a favor and just end it, kill me", Mario said. Bowser stood in front of Mario scowling at him. "You weak pitiful man-", Bowser growled,"- I won't kill you". Mario became irritated and began to yell," didn't you hear me, Kill Me I wanna make Luigi happy". Bowser slapped Mario hard across his face. Mario fell on the ground panting and groaning from pain. "You want me to kill you, aren't you taking the easy way out of your problems", Bowser snarled. Mario looked back confused as Bowser gripped him up by his shirt. "You think you can just solve everything just by dying. No, you have to make up everything to Luigi. You're a pathetic bastard that thinks that's if they die then all is forgiven". Mario began sobbing," What do I do?", Bowser grumbled," Show him, Show him how good of a brother you can be". Mario stopped sobbing and sat on the ground as Bowser stood over him. Mario knew what he had to do, he needs to be the brother that Luigi wants and not what he wants.

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