Brother(Poe Dameron)

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You cried as you stared at a holo of you and Ben. He was holding your notebook above your head, and you were blushing and jumping to get it back. Your brother's eyes were full of light and happiness. You heard boots clanking on the floors, and when you looked up, Ben was standing there. He was holding his mask under one arm, and was staring down at your tearstained face. You scowled up at him. "So it's true," Ben said. "You really were captured."

"Why," you asked him.

"He tried to kill me."

"Uncle Luke would never do that."

"Your faith in him is misplaced. I--"

"I don't want to hear it. Luke loved us." Ben knelt down.

"What are you looking at," he asked.

"Leave me alone," you answered, looking at the ceiling of your cell, the corner of the door, anywhere but him. Ben took the holo from your hands. You moved to take it back, but he held it just out of your reach, smiling a little as you glared at him.

"Some things never change," he said softly.

"You did," you responded. "Mom and Dad started fighting after you left. After a while, Dad just left. You broke all our hearts that day. You know that, don't you?" Ben flinched as if you had slapped him. He stared at the holo.

"I remember that day," he whispered. "I was ten. You were almost nine. You had written a lot in that journal. Stories, poems, your true feelings." You didn't say anything. You just crossed your arms and stared at the corner. Ben looked up at you. "You had written that you loved a little boy, the son of some of our mother's colleagues from the Rebel Alliance. What was his name? Poe? Poe Dameron?" You shot to your feet.

"Give me back that holo, Ben, and stay away from Poe." Ben grinned slyly.

"So you still have feelings for him?" You blushed, much to his delight.

"N-no! It's not like that at all! We're friends, colleagues. That's all." Ben started laughing, hard. Your face got even redder, and you scowled. You punched Ben in the shoulder, grabbed the holo, and retreated to the corner of your cell. He smiled at you, eyes full of warmth and light for a brief moment. Then it was gone, replaced by a darker, more serious look.

"I'm glad you haven't changed, (Y/N)," he said quietly. Then he walked down the hall. You sighed and stared at the ceiling. You knew one thing hadn't changed about Ben. He would always be your brother.


"(Y/N)! Wake up!" You sat up, rubbing your eyes. You grinned when you saw who was standing outside the door.

"Poe," you whispered. You couldn't stop smiling. You hurried over to your boyfriend and pressed a kiss to his mouth. Poe grinned at you.

"(Y/N), I haven't figured out a way to unlock this door, but I'll get you out, just you wait!"

"Do it, but be careful. My brother--"

"Is right behind you." You gasped. You hadn't realized Ben was there. Poe whirled around, eyes wide. Ben was staring down at you both, arms crossed, a frown on his face. His eyes had an amused look in them though. He stared down at Poe. "So you're my baby sister's boyfriend," he said. Poe nodded, and your face heated up.

"Ben," you shouted at him. He chuckled a little, and you scowled. Again, you walked over and punched him in the shoulder, only this time you hit him harder. He rubbed his shoulder, giving you a wounded look, but at the same time laughing a little. You rolled your eyes at Ben.

"I'm going to let you guys go free," he said. Poe's eyes widened, and yours did too.

"Really," you and Poe asked at the same time. Ben nodded.

"Really," he said. "I'm going to pretend I didn't see you, and I'll use the Force to protect you." Ben unlocked the door, and you stepped out. You hugged your brother. He patted you on the back awkwardly.

"Thanks," you said softly. You let go of Ben, and Poe took your hand.

"Come on," he said. "We should get moving."

"Wait," you said. You took Ben's hand and pressed the holo into it. "Keep it," you said to your brother. "Don't forget, I'm still your sister." Ben nodded, and gave you a little smile. You took Poe's hand, and pecked him on the cheek. "We can go now," you said softly. Poe started to run down the hall. You hurried after him.

"Dameron," Ben called out. Poe stopped and turned to look at Ben.

"Yeah," he asked.

"Treat (Y/N) right, and whatever you do, stay away from our dad." Poe smiled at Ben.

"Thanks. I will." Ben gave him a cold look.

"If you hurt (Y/N), I'll kill you. Understand?" Poe nodded.

"I understand." With that, he pulled you down the hall. You waved goodbye to Ben one last time. "My x wing is over here," Poe said. You nodded, and ran as fast as you could, Poe right by your side. You climbed into the back of the x wing, and Poe climbed into the cockpit. Poe lifted off, and jumped to light speed almost immediately. You were home in seconds. You smiled as Poe helped you out of his x wing and your mother ran to hug you. When your mother let you go, you told her what Ben had done. She smiled sadly and excused herself. Poe smiled at you. "What," you asked. He pressed a kiss to your mouth. Then he led you to his bedroom.

When all was said and done, Poe grinned at you. "Was that fun," he asked.

"That was painful," you answered. Poe's eyes widened. "But I enjoyed it," you added hastily. Poe relaxed.

"Good," he said. "I don't need your brother coming after me." You both laughed at that. "Why do you think he helped us," Poe asked. You stared into your boyfriend's eyes.

"He cares, Poe. He cares." Poe nodded.

"I don't understand how you think that, but okay." You laughed and punched your boyfriend. He laughed too, then grew more serious. "Really, (Y/N)," he said. "I don't know how you don't think he's evil."

"I don't either. But I know, in my heart, that he has light in him." Poe smiled at you.

"You're a great sister, you know that?" You smiled back at him.

"It's because I have you to make me better."

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