See You Again Part 2(Anakin)

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"I missed you, Ani," you whisper.

"I missed you, too." You close your eyes and smile. You lean into Anakin a little more as the world goes black.


When you wake up, you're in the med bay. Anakin is sitting next to you. "Are you alright," he asks.

"I think I'll be fine," you answer. You stare at his dark mask. "Anakin.... What happened after I left Coruscant?"

"Obi Wan and I fought on Mustafar when I killed the Separatists. He cut off my legs and I was badly burned. The Emperor saved my life." You nod, trying to imagine Darth Sidious as a benevolent savior and failing. "How about you? What did you do when you left?"

"I lived on Jakku for a year or two before moving to Crait to hide out. I mined salt for a while before moving again to Arbooine and settling down."

"What was that like?"

"Salt mining? Boring. Arbooine? Interesting. I got to learn woodworking from the Sathari. Lots of fun." Anakin laughed.

"I can't believe it's been twenty years."

"Me either. Now we have all the time in the world." Anakin hugged you.

"Come on. I'll give you a tour of the ship." You got out of bed and took his hand. You were glad to be by his side once again.

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