Piloting Lesson(Anakin)

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"I'm telling you, I can't do it!" Anakin smiles and laughs a little.

"Just try again, (Y/N)," he says. You sigh and turn to the simulator. Anakin is trying to teach you how to pilot a ship. You are failing miserably. You flip a few switches and grab the control sticks. You do well at first. Then Anakin ups the difficulty level. Suddenly, you have to dodge asteroids and other debris, shoot enemy ships, and help Republic ships. You struggle to shoot and pilot at the same time. You flinch as you blow up a Republic ship, then shriek as you struggle to regain control of your ship. You can't, though. Your ship crashes into an asteroid. You sigh and lean back in your seat as Anakin resets the simulator. 

"See," you say unhappily. "I can't do it." Anakin scowls and walks in front of you, kneeling down and grabbing your shoulders.

"(Y/N), you can pilot a ship. You just need a little help." Anakin stands up and lets you go. "Move forward," he orders, and you scoot to the edge of your seat. Anakin slides behind you. "Get started," he says. "We're starting where you messed up." You frown, but you do what he says. You flip the switches and grab the control sticks. This time though, Anakin reaches around you and places his hands over yours. You blush, but Anakin just ups the difficulty using the Force. He's right there, guiding you around the asteroids to shoot enemy ships. With Anakin guiding you, you are flawless.

"Okay, (Y/N), I'm going to let go now," Anakin says.

"Anakin," you cry. Then you are in full control. You zoom around the the asteroids, and manage not to shoot Republic ships. As soon as Anakin ups the difficulty, manually this time, an enemy ship shoots you and Anakin turns off the simulator. You hop out of your seat and press a kiss to Anakin's cheek. "Thanks," you say. "That really helped." Anakin smiles triumphantly at you.

"I knew you could do it."

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