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I played with my fingers as I waited for my name to be called so I could find out who my partner was going to be for the next assignment.

"Kim Ahyeong," I snapped my gaze towards the teacher upon hearing my name being called, awaiting the second name to be announced, "you will be assigned with Park Jimin." And with that, our History teacher continued announcing the assigned pairs.

Park Jimin. A boy who is supposedly careless about school and homework from what I've heard.


Just great.

Looks like I'm just going to have to cooperate a bit more than usual.

Once Ms. Lee was done assigning partners, each group was given a topic to discuss about South Korean history. I glanced at the clock, dreading my next class. Physics. Every minute stretched out to feel like an hour. I guess that's just what happens when you're in your least favourite class. But thankfully after Physics was dismissal. My favourite time of the day. I could finally go home and enjoy the weekend.

I sighed before getting out of my chair and making my way towards the empty seat next on Jimin's right, utilizing the time provided for the students to gather with their partners to discuss their assignment topic and plan things ahead of time.

I looked at my new partner, who seemed to be so intrigued by the snake game on his phone.

"So Jimin, for the assignment, I was thinking that we could maybe meet up at the library or-"

"Sorry, we're doing an assignment?" He squinted at his screen, trying not to lose his game.

"You weren't listening to a word she said, were you?" I scoffed, mentally preparing myself to do the whole assignment on my own.

"I mean I usually do but— crap! I was about to beat my high score." He put his phone on the desk in front of him as he put the palm of his hand over his face as he sank in his seat.

I sat on the chair awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

"As I was saying," he began to straighten himself up, "I usually do, but then I got bored. I decided on playing only one round of the snake game, but who knew it would have been one of the longest rounds? Like seriously, look at the size of that thing." He picked up his phone showing me the surprisingly long snake shown on the screen.

"Better luck next time I guess." I said, trying to sound interested. "But what about the assignment?"

"We'll need to stay in contact."

"Snapchat?" I suggested as he nodded a bit.

"I'll add you." Jimin handed over his phone to me so that I could put in my username and add myself through his account.

I handed back his phone as he slid out of the Snapchat tab almost immediately and switched back to the snake game.

Just then, I felt my phone in my pocket vibrate.

I quickly took my phone out looking at the notification.


@p.jm Added You!




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