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It had been at least five to six minutes before Jimin had finally arrived.

"So, why were you late?" He raised a brow.

"Oh, I just kinda forgot?" I smiled sheepishly, looking away. But then I furrowed my brows at his state, he seemed pretty out of place. Almost as if he was late. "You were late, weren't you?" A small smile slowly crept up my face once I realized he was actually later than me. 

"Me? Late? No, of course not." He scoffed as I raised a brow with a smile. "What? I said I wasn't late." He pulled on the collar of his shirt, looking away nervously.

"Try to be on time if we ever work together in the future." I laughed, shaking my head as we entered the library.

We both had decided to part ways and try to look for books related to the given topic or anything at all that could help us.

I ran my fingers over the wooden shelves, meanwhile Jimin was hopefully doing the same.

As I searched for a book, one with 'Korean History' written in bright orange over the dull black cover caught my attention. But unfortunately for me, it was placed on just one shelf higher than my hand could get a hold of.

I reached out for it, but apparently, I was too short.

I stood on the tip of my toes and made yet another attempt to reach the book only to be left with the same results as the first time around. I had to admit though, being one of the shortest in the friends group is pretty tragic.

"You need some help?" I turned around to see Jimin walking up to me with an amused face.

Embarrassed, I shook my head as I turned my back to him, pretending to look for another book. "Not like you could reach it either anyway." I muttered underneath my breath.

He shook his head, making his way to grab the book before I made my final attempt and jumped.

Everything going in slow motion as I felt like a ninja that very moment and my hand swiftly grabbed the book as I landed on my two very own feet.

I smiled proudly holding the book up, showing Jimin that I actually managed to get it. "I told you I was good to go!" I had never felt this proud.

"Ahyeong, read the title." he held in his laugh.

I furrowed my brows, looking at the cover page to see what he was talking about.

Top 10 Greatest Dishes In Korean History!

"What the heck?" I read the title again, dumbfounded.

I get that it said Korean History, but why on earth would it be in the historical studies section?

"But I mean the book next to it seems pretty useful." Jimin said, reaching up to grab the book beside it without a sweat.

"Next time, if you need help, then ask for it." He chuckled as he walked towards me and ruffled my hair as I felt a small blush creeping up my face.

"Okay then, you dwarf."

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