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Ahyeong's P.O.V

"It's Woojin."

Oh god, what did I just say?

Usually, when I'd tell my friends that I liked someone, they would always hype me up and get all excited. I was somewhat hoping to see the same reaction from Jimin, but the other half of me wanted him to show me a sign that he might have liked me back.

I looked up to see his reaction, as soon as the words had left my mouth. He looked down for a good second, lost in his thoughts. "Oh." He said quietly.

Quickly changing his expression into one that was more happy for me, he said. "Y-yeah! I'm sure you'll both be amazing together!" He faked a smile.

Part of me said it was because he liked me too, but the other half of me said it was because Woojin was a good friend of Hysu's.

But I really didn't see Woojin as anything more than a friend.

"Does he know?" He asked, sounding less intrigued in the topic, but still kept his smile.

"No." I said looking down.

"Hey, look. I'm sure if you confess, you guys will be together in no time!"

"You really think so?" I played along.

"Of course!" He giggled as he ruffled my hair. I could tell he still didn't like the idea of me liking Woojin.

I just don't understand why he isn't that happy about finding out 'who I liked'. He was so excited before. Was he expecting me to say someone else?

But at least he was being a good sport about it. He was still supporting me.

We both sat in front of each other, an awkward silence filling the atmosphere. He looked around the room trying to find something to talk about.

Jimin cleared his throat before speaking, "You should, um, go to bed now, it's almost five in the morning."

I turned to the clock that was hung on the wall, realizing that it was already 5:01am.

He got off the bed and made his way to the bathroom as I tucked myself in bed.

I felt horrible for lying to Jimin about who I liked. But why did I feel bad? Better yet, why did he look upset?

Moments later, I heard the bathroom door open and then close once again. I closed my eyes pretending to be asleep as I heard his footsteps near the bed.

After a few seconds of silence, I thought that maybe he might've already been on the floor, trying to sleep. But before opening my eyes, I heard him sigh as he was still standing beside the bed.

"Just, why?" He whispered, followed by another sigh.

I then heard the shuffling of his sheets on the floor before opening my eyes just a little to see him, laying on the floor. His arm over his closed eyes and his breathing eventually slowed down, signaling that he was asleep.

Why was he acting like this?

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