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Ahyeong's P.O.V

Hysu turned around with a grin plastered on his face.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I snapped. He was being so fucking annoying.

I feel so stupid for even coming on this trip in the first place.

He kept quiet and continued to look at me with a creepy ass grin.

The way he was looking at me gave me goosebumps. He walked towards me as I took a few steps back. Eventually my back hit a wall and he was only a foot away from me.

Hysu took one more step and our faces were now just centimeters away from each other.

A silence filled the room. An rather awkward silence. We were just staring at eachothers' faces.

A moment later, he grabbed both of my hands and pinned them above my head before connecting our lips.

I tried to push him away but he was too strong.

He broke the kiss and smirked before picking me up and throwing me onto the bed.


Jimin's P.O.V

I ran down the staircase wanting to get this over with.

Mr. Jung had honestly been so annoying ever since we got here. I mean, he's always been annoying in my opinion, but he was being extra annoying.

We shouldn't have came to the trip in the first place.

I headed to the lobby and spotted Mr. Jung sitting on one of the couches placed as far away from the lady at the front desk as possible. Everyone seemed to be scared of her.

"You asked to see me, sir?" I approached him.

"Me? No, I didn't ask to see you. I was told that someone was going to be waiting for me in the lobby."

"Who told you that? The school or Hysu?" I cocked a brow.

"Hysu." He blankly stated before looking out through the glass doors, expecting someone to arrive.

"I was told that you wanted to speak to me so.." I trailed off.

"Once again Mr. Park. Not you. Now please head back to your room."

Something was off about Hysu. He was acting suspicious- I mean, when is he not? But I had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I suddenly felt the need to go and check up on Ahyeong. But, I just saw her a few minutes ago. I'll check up on her after a bit. I'm sure she'll be fine.

I nodded before bidding Mr. Jung a goodbye and made my way to my hotel room. I made it outside the door to my room but before I opened it, I heard a big thud sound from the other room. Ahyeong's room.

I quickly pulled out the extra room key card she gave me and swiped it hearing the door unlock with a click.

I lightly pushed the door open and peeked through the little crack.

And the sight before me..

Hysu over Ahyeong.

In bed.

With her crying.

Pinned down onto the bed.

Hands pinned down on either sides of her head.

Him. Kissing. Her.

I fucking snapped. I ran up to both of them and pushed Hysu off of her causing him to tumble off the bed. I walked up to him before kicking him real fucking hard in the balls.

He groaned in pain not even trying to fight back.

I threw a punch on his jaw and then right in his chest. He was on the floor holding his chest and crotch wheezing and gasping for air.

Die Bitch.

I walked to Ahyeong who was on the bed bawling her eyes out.

"Hey hey, look.. it's okay.." I said as I wrapped my arms around her.

I gently picked up her small frame and brought her to my room.

Woojin stood up from the bed almost immediately when we entered the room.

"Hysu?" He asked as I nodded.

He sighed before making it way out of the room with his phone.

"I'll spend the night there." He said with a small smile before closing the door behind him.


ok so i finally updated !! 


I hope you guys enjoyed this boring ass chapter. A couple more to go before we're done !!

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