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Ahyeong's P.O.V

"That bastard." Jira said once I was done telling everyone exactly what had happened with Hysu.

We were all gathered in Yoongi and Minyoung's room.

"I shouldn't have left her." Jimin muttered quietly for the hundredth time as he looked down.

"Jimin, it wasn't your fault at all. If anything, I shouldn't have even came to the trip in the first place. I had the choice, even after I found out Hysu was going to be my roomma-"

"But you did. And I was supposed to be there for you." He retorted.

"Exactly. I did come. Me. So who's fault was it?"

"Both of you, what happened, has already happened. There's nothing we can do about it now aside from becoming more aware of our surroundings." Everyone nodded as Yoongi broke us apart.


We exited Yoongi's hotel room and me and Jimin made our way to his room. He swiped his card and the soft click of the lock could be heard echoing through the empty hallway.

Everyone was probably asleep, considering that it was already around 2:30am.

Before entering the room, we heard another soft click from behind us.

We turned around to see Hysu's door slowly open. Jimin quickly put his arm around me and pulled me closer with a scowl directed towards the door. His grip on me immediately loosened as Woojin slowly stepped out of the room with one eye open and the other still closed.

He looked up at the both of us as he scratched his head, keeping his left eye closed the entire time.

"Hmm?" He looked at Jimin.

"What?" Jimin tilted his head to the side.

"Did you say something?" Woojin mumbled while looking down the corridor. 

"You came... all the way outside, from your sleep, because you thought I said something?" Jimin tilted his head even more to the side as I tried not to laugh at the situation.

Woojin really did look high.

"I," He sighed before continuing, "dunno.." He mumbled while rubbing his open eye. "Goodnight." Woojin yawned while scratching his head as he began walking to Jimin's room and made his way through the door.

"What're you doing?" Jimin questioned.

"Mm... sleepy sleepy..."

I turned around so that he wouldn't see me laughing. I didn't realize how adorable Woojin could be when he was sleepy. 

"Hey, Woojin. Wrong way buddy." Jimin said softly as he instructed him, leading him back to Hysu's room.

Jimin lightly put his arm around his shoulder and led him back to his room.

Seeing as Woojin entered, Jimin and I turned around to enter our room. But before we were able to do that, we heard the door behind us open once again.

"Woojin, I didn't even say anything this time." Jimin sighed as he turned around, only to come face to face with Hysu.

Jimin quickly put his arm around me and went full on protective mode. Hysu's eye's met mine but it wasn't long before I looked away. I could feel my body tense up and go stiff within those few seconds.

"Good morning." He said with his sleepy voice. But a slight hint of depravity could still be heard in his tone as a small smile crept up his face.

"Goodnight to you too." Jimin said as he gently pulled me into the room with him and closed the door behind us.

He looked at my tense state and pulled me into his embrace. "I won't let anything happen to you this time." He said as I slightly nodded against his shoulder.

"I promise." He spoke softly while planting a small kiss on the top of my head.

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