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I grabbed hold of the sofa, trying to regain my balance and catch my breath from laughing so hard.

I closed my eyes, little giggles escaping my lips as I finally caught my breath.

But just then, the sound of Jira's cries sent me all over again.

"Please, this is way too painful guys." She pleaded from the kitchen. "I could barely do the first eye, how the heck do you guys expect me to do the second one."

"A dare is a dare. You seemed so confident while walking to the fridge anyway." Minyoung snorted.

"Okay but I didn't think it was- Oh god." She threw the bottle of artificial lemon juice on the counter as she ran to the sink to wash her eyes out. "I never expected it to sting this much."

"Just do the other eye real quick." I wheezed.

Jira ran to the counter where the bottle was and squirted a crap load of lemon juice into her right eye while screaming.

"Oh my god." Minyoung threw herself onto the counter as she tried catching her breath from laughing just as hard as I was.

The best part was, she recorded the whole thing.

"You guys," Jira cried, "I can't see with my left eye, I think I've gone blind." She blinked while rubbing her eyes. "There was lemon juice on my hands!" She screeched before washing out her eyes again.

"A-Ahyeong," Minyoung trembled, trying not to laugh. "You're boyfriend." She said, pointing towards my phone.


I looked at the notification, seeing that it was only Jimin.

I shook my head at his newly given nickname while grabbing my phone.


p.jm sent you a snap!


I sighed before opening the snap, thinking it would have been about the assignment. But the again, this is Park Jimin we're talking about. He never really seemed interested in it anyway.



I furrowed my brows, confused at the snap although I had to admit, he did look pretty good

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I furrowed my brows, confused at the snap although I had to admit, he did look pretty good.

I swiped onto our chat and noticed I sent him a snap earlier. Approximately around the time I sent Minjae my confession letter.

But then something registered into my head.

Their snapchat nicknames are similar after all...

I didn't-

I quickly scrolled into Minjae's chat and the sight before me left my mouth hanging wide open.

I did.

Oh my gosh I really did.

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