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I froze in my spot.

"What did he say?" Minyoung leaned in towards me. "I mean, he should've believed you. You were telling the truth."

She glanced over at my phone screen, mouth hanging wide open after reading the message as Jira leaned in to see it too.

"Oh my god." Jira breathed as I looked at her.

"Oh my god is right." Minyoung blinked and read the message again.

"No, I mean, I really fucked up my eyes. I can't read what that says." She started panicking as I kinda smiled at how good she was at lightening up the mood. It was something Minjae and Jira both had in common. Minyoung laughed a bit and read the message to her.

"Oh my god." Jira repeated, but this time fully aware of the situation. "But I'm just going to be honest, yeah?" She raised a brow as I nodded.

She took a deep breath before biting her lip. "That's kinda funny in my opinion." She visibly bit the insides of her cheek in an effort to contain her laugh, but failed to do so as little giggles escaped her mouth.

"It'll be fine though." Minyoung assured me while patting my shoulder gently.

Minyoung was actually good at comforting people with her soft toned voice. It was something Soohyun and Minyoung had in common. Meanwhile, Jira wasn't too good with this kinda stuff. She was more of the kind of person that would usually lighten up the mood, like Minjae. Except, Minjae was actually really good at comforting people too.

"Just go to school on Monday and act like none of it happened. Maybe he will too. You know how the guys at our school are like. One minute, their so focused on something and then the next, they'll be thinking about something else. Just like that." She snapped her fingers.

I guess she was right. I would just have to act as if nothing had happened.


I kicked a rock in my path as I looked down at my shoes, panicking.

The weekend had gone by quicker than ever and here I am, now on my way to school.

It's okay. Just pretend nothing happened.

I walked through the school gates, hoping for my life that he wouldn't be here today.

After stopping by at my locker, I made my way to my first period class and sat a random seat at the back of the classroom.

I was just glad that Jimin wasn't in my Biology class. Luckily, he wasn't in my Calculus class either.

But Jimin and I had History and Physics class together, which meant I was going to be stuck with him for the whole afternoon. Not to mention that we both have spare after lunch at the same time as well.

What an amazing schedule.




But once again, I was going to have to act as if nothing happened and hangout with Minyoung, Soohyun, and Hoseok during spare as usual.

After a long Calculus work period filled with nothing but Minjae's questions about what had happened on the weekend, even though I had already explained the whole situation in the groupchat on Saturday, it was finally lunch.

I walked with Minjae towards her locker since both of ours were near each others.

After putting away my books and binder for the my morning classes and switching them with my afternoon classes' binders, we made our way to the cafeteria together.

Lunch was the usual, us five girls, goofing around with Tae and Yoongi. Jungkook had Taekwondo practice, meanwhile Hoseok had a dance practice. Jimin, well I didn't know too much about him aside from the fact that I didn't usually see him too often at lunch. Not even in the halls during spare.

At this point, all the guys knew about what had happened since Jira wouldn't shut up about it in a groupchat with the nine of us.

We had a completely different groupchat with Jimin too though, even though it is kinda dry on there. He was slowly becoming a new addition to our friends group since he was already close with the guys. He just hadn't properly introduced himself to us yet.

The bell had rung, indicating that lunch was over. Students began crowding the halls, rushing to get to their classes here and there. But Minyoung, Soohyun, and I started walking towards the dance practice room since Hoseok had spare with us. We usually met in the cafeteria so we could all hangout but today he told us to meet him there.

We approached the dance practice room as students ran out, jogging down the halls, not wanting to be late for their classes as there was only a minute or so until the bell for class was going to ring.

As we walked inside, Hoseok was leaning against the wall on the floor chugging down his bottle of water.

He turned to look in our direction and smiled. "Jimin will be here in a minute or so."

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