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"What do you mean you can't do anything about it?" Jimin furrowed his brows.

"It would ruin the setting if we switched things up. I'm sure you'll be just fine with Hysu." The principal, Mr. Hang clasped his hands in front of him, resting them on the desk as he straitened his back.

The five of us were now standing in his office, trying to get him to switch my roommate.

"I'm sorry, but I genuinely do not feel comfortable as a student to be in the same room with him in such a proximity for even ten minutes, sir." I clenched my jaw, trying to seem as serious and intimidating as I could even though i probably looked like a fool to him.

"What's been decided will stay the way it is. We can not mess things up only for just one student."

"But sir-" Hoseok was cut off by Mr. Hang.

"As I said earlier, changing things up is completely out of the question."

"So is forcing Ahyeong to sleep in the same room with a fuckboy." Jimin muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes.

"Jimin, language." The principal warned.

"Okay but if a student is uncomfortable wit-"

"Regardless of what you have to say, there's nothing I can do." He cut Jimin off mid-sentence.

"Mr. Han-" Hoseok began before he was cut off yet once again.

"You know what, forget it." Jimin said as he grabbed my wrist and began to pull me out the door.


"Ahyeong, it's fine. Just come." He said before we all left the principal's office.

"Thank you for your time, sir." Hoseok bowed before closing the door behind him and followed us with a questioning look.

"He didn't even let me say more than two words." Hoseok scoffed. "But why'd you lead us out so quickly?"

"There is still no way in hell I'm gonna share a room with him." I protested, thinking that Jimin had changed his mind and was suddenly okay with it.

"Yeah, and there is no way in hell I was gonna let that happen anyway." Jimin said. "You'll just sleep in my room and since Woojin was originally my roommate, he'll just sleep with Hysu since they're good friends."

"But the principal said we aren't allowed to do that." I pointed out.

But in all honesty, did I really care?

"You actually care about what he has to say?" Jimin scoffed.

"I honestly don't understand why Mr. Hang made it such a big deal. All he had to do was switch me and Woojin." I said.

"Correction darling, Woojin and I." Hysu showed up out of no where. "And there's nothing anyone will do about the roommates arrangement so quit trying, honey."

Hoseok quickly looked down, trying to contain his laughter as he tried to keep a straight face.

Hysu looked at him confused.

"I'm sorry but those were probably the cheesiest nicknames ever. I didn't know people still used them." He said not being able to contain his laughter any longer. "Please get your cringey ass out of my sight."

Hysu rolled his eyes. "Say what you will, but keep in mind that nothing will change the fact that Ahyeong and I will be sleeping together in 3 days time."

And with that, he left.


lmfao i cringed.

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