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"This is the one." Jungkook took a deep breath. I glanced at Yoongi, who was on my right, as I notice his eyes soften upon the gaze of the classroom. I could tell they all must have had a pretty amazing time here during the first few years of high school. It was something I, personally, wish I could've experienced with them.

But I didn't mind it too much as our friendship was actually growing quite quickly.

We all stood in front of the closed door of the classroom. Voices of males could be heard from the other side of the door but it was hard to make out what they were saying. We all glanced at each other making sure everyone was okay with going in.

"Ready." Hoseok muttered before Taehyung opened the door causing everyone in the room to freeze. I looked around the classroom, the sight before me almost causing my jaw to drop.

The five of us rushed in, scattering to separate places as I rushed over to Hysu who had Ahyeong against the wall. "Get the fuck off her." I punched him in the gut as he stumbled backward on his feet. He glared at me, not willing to make a move as he was just caught doing something that could get him sent to places far worse than just the teacher's office.

No one else in the room dared to move which confused me a tad bit, but I didn't question it. Probably still trying to process what was going on.

Ahyeong snapped her gaze towards me, clearly shocked and confused as well as everyone else. She was trembling, looking at Hsyu with disgust. I raised my arm to throw another punch, but before I could, I felt Ahyeong gently tug the sleeve of my hoodie.

"Just let them be." She mumbled quietly as she began pulling me towards the door where Taehyung, Hoseok, Yoongi, and Jungkook, were all standing.

Sparing one last glance at Hysu, I quietly agreed to leave the room.

As we exited the classroom, she let her hand that was gently wrapped around my wrist go and looked up at me. "Thank you." She said quietly, almost inaudible. "All of you."

I opened my mouth to speak but before I could she quickly asked me, "Are you okay?"

I paused, "Me?" I scoffed. "I should be asking you that. Are you okay?"

 The looked at the door to the room, breaking eye contact as she nodded.

"Did he hurt you?" Taehyung stepped forward as she turned to look at him before shaking her head.

"But I did overhear his conversation with his friends." She began. Once she was done telling us what she heard, Jungkook scoffed.

"As if he could even get close enough to her."

"But why would they target Minjae?" Ahyeong tilted her head as she questioned Jungkook.

"I simply wanted to have a talk about your roommate stuff in hopes that maybe Hysu would agree. But apparently the word 'harmless' isn't in his dictionary. So he tried beating me up." He chuckled. "But of course, no one gets past the one and only Jeon Cena." He said arrogantly as Ahyeong let out a small laugh.

Hearing the voices of Hysu's friends, we figured it would be best to leave this side of the school.



As we all walked back to the cafeteria Jungkook chuckled, sounding a bit disheartened.

"What is it?" Hoseok raised a brow as the younger male shook his head.

"The main point of going there was to find my watch but it wasn't there." He sighed. "It's fine though." He smiled looking back up at the rest of us.

I widened my eyes as I gasped in excitement, fishing through my pockets. "I got it!" I beamed as I passed it to him.

Jungkook's eyes practically sparkled as he looked at the watch. He thanked me multiple times as I laughed, assuring him that it was no problem.

Minutes later, the rest of the girls joined in and it was soon time to get onto the bus.

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