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Ahyeong's P.O.V

"Oh my god." Minjae practically screamed, jaw hung open as Jira sat there with wide eyes. Almost the entire cafeteria turn their heads in our direction to see what had happened.

"Finally." Minyoung giggled.

"Yeah, thanks." I chuckled.

"How did you go from being the most innocent of the group, to getting a boyfriend and losing your v card within the span of not even a day." Jira said in a quieter tone, not wanting the rest of the school to be up in our business."

"Guys, what if she gets preg—"

"SHUT UP." I closed my eyes while cutting Minjae off as people turned their heads our way once again

Thank god Jimin wasn't there to hear thi—

"Ah, don't worry, we used protection." Jimin chuckled, ruffling my hair.

My cheeks flushed red as my body went stiff. I couldn't possibly be more embarrassed than I was right now.


We sat at the table, looking at our menus.

"Hi, are you guys ready to order?" A waiter came to our table with a notepad and pen as Jimin looked at me and I nodded.

"Miss, what would you like?" He raised a brow as I read out my order. "Ah, great choice!" He turned to walk away.

Noticing Jimin, he quickly fixed his composure and gave his attention to him. "My apologies, what can I get for you today, sir?" He asked politely as Jimin raised a brow before giving his order.

My body went stiff once I realized that the waiter's eyes kept making their way towards me.

I noticed my shirt hanging a bit low before fixing it.

"Quit checking out my girlfriend." Jimin snapped, clenching his jaw as he looked at the waiter.

He straightened up looking at Jimin. "I don't know what you're talking about, sir." He said nervously. "But is that all for today?"

"Yes." I said quietly, watching the waiter turn away and walk back to the kitchen.

"It felt nice saying that." Jimin sighed with a smile.

"Hm?" I looked up at him.

"Calling you my girlfriend. And this time, It was for real."



thank you guys so much for reading this book all the way to the end. it really means a lot to me. i hope you all have a good day and maybe stay updated with me because i have a few new stories that may be coming out soon!

but i love u guys so so much and thank you for reading! <3

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