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Ahyeong's P.O.V

"So who is it?" He scooched closer, and leaned in ready to hear my 'big secret'.

I opened my mouth to speak but before I could manage to actually say anything, he jumped back on the bed and squealed while clapping his hands and giggling.

"Wait wait wait, I'm not ready yet." He squeaked with excitement. He inhaled, then exhaled before sitting back up straight on the bed.

"Okay, okay, okay! I'm ready now." He grinned at me, face completely red with the amount of excitement going through his body.

Was he really this excited to find out who I liked?

"Jimin, well you see," I paused before looking at him. I couldn't possibly tell him that the man I liked was literally sitting right in front of me.

He noticed my stiffness and his expression slowly went serious. Jimin looked at me, waiting for me to continue but I on the other hand didn't know what to say.

"Ahyeong?" He placed his hand on my knee, making my heart skip a beat by the sudden action as I looked up at him. His eyes suddenly widened and face went red again.

"Oh my gosh..." He squeaked.

What? Did a bug land on my head?

Oh my god, I hate bugs so much.

"W-what is it..?" I asked, my bones stiffening even more. I tried my best not to move because if there really was a bug on my head, I didn't want to move a single muscle and have it rolling down my face.

"You.." He paused.

Oh shit. There really is a bug on my head.

"GET IT OFF ME." I screeched as I clutched onto the hem of my shirt, probably waking up everyone on the same floor as us. Even Jimin flinched and jumped off the bed.

"GET WHAT OFF YOU? We can't...We're not even dating I-"

"Not my shirt, dumbass, the bug!"

"W-What bug Ahyeong? Are you okay?"

I snapped my head towards him.

There's no... bug..?

I looked at the terrified Jimin in front of me. His mouth parted slightly, eyes wide and full of concern.

"You looked at me like there was a bug on me!" I covered my face with embarrassment.

Jimin rolled his eyes before chuckling while running his fingers through his silky brown hair and sitting back down on the bed with me. "Nope, I was just going to ask if..."

"If..?" I looked up at him.

"You don't like Hysu, do you?"

My eyes widened as I shook my head vigorously. "No no no no no! Oh my god ew! How could you even think that."

"Then who is it?" He leaned in, the childish aura he once had in the beginning, gone as he was dead serious now.

"I-It's no one. Minyoung and I weren't even talking about that." I shook my head as he raised a brow, not believing in my words.

"If you're scared things are going to get awkward if you tell me just his name.. then I promise that won't happen." He said softly. He was such an angel and I wish I could tell him but I just didn't want him to see me differently.

 "No that's not it, Jimin. I already told you. I don't like anyone at the moment."

"Ahyeong." He softened his voice, looking at me.

"It's Woojin."

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