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I fanned myself with my hand, panting, trying to catch my breath as I stood in front of the mirror, staring at my state.

I was a mess.

It was worth it in the end though.

Even though I might not have noticed any changes than from when I first started dancing, Hoseok said that I was definitely improving.

I trusted him it.

Not that I really believed him. It was more so that I wanted to believe him.

I shook my head as I walked towards the sink trying to get my mind off the topic for even just a second.

As I splashed a bit of water on my neck in an effort to cool it down, I remembered that Hoseok wanted me to hangout with him during spare today. He also mentioned that his other friends might be joining in.

I looked in the mirror on last time, brushing back my hair with my somewhat dry hands as I turned on my heel and made my way towards the door.

I rubbed my eyes, opening the door as I yawned. My yawn was interrupted with the sound of someone running right past me and to the stairs. I flinched back, startled by the sudden action and quickly looked towards the staircase door.


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