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I looked at my phone, jaw dropped and unable to move as I tried to process what I just did.

"Oh my god." Minyoung wheezed as she watched the video meanwhile Jira was rubbing her eyes. She turned to me to show me the video but frowned once she saw my expression. "What happened?"

"I just squirted lemon juice in my eyes, you can't possibly ask me what happened." Jira rubbed her eyes. "I can't even see. Not even when I open them wide." She whined as she opened her eyes and started looking around, blinking simultaneously before looking at the ceiling again and fanning her eyes with her hands.

"Wash them out with water." Minyoung shrugged. "Get well soon, I guess." She snorted even though we both knew she was asking me what happened, but she let that slide.

I, on the other hand, was petrified.

I mean, it may not have seemed that big of a deal, but imagine being ugly meanwhile sending a confession letter to a cute guy.

Doesn't really match up, does it?


This moment right here, is probably the most embarrassed I've ever been in my whole seventeen and a half years of living.

Minyoung walked over to my side to take a look at my screen.

"I don't get it." She raised a brow waiting for me to explain.

"I sent the confession to-"

"Oh my god, you didn't." Minyoung's eyes went wide as I nodded.

She bit her lip, trying not to laugh since she probably didn't want to seem like she didn't care or anything.

But she failed.

As always.

She turned around throwing herself on the couch behind me, laughing harder than before.

"You did not just send that confession letter to Jimin." She shook her head, trying to catch her breath.

"Ahyeong did what?" Jira started laughing from the kitchen too.

As much as I was embarrassed, I couldn't help but laugh at my stupidity.

"Guys," I whined. "How am I going to go to school on Monday."


After around ten to fifteen minutes, I finally agreed to Minyoung's idea.

I sent Jimin a snap saying it was the wrong person.

Now all we had to do was wait.


After ten minutes of stress eating Jira's snacks, I finally received a notification from Jimin.

I grabbed my phone faster that I probably ever have, and opened the snap after hovering my finger over his name.

A black screen showed up and there was a little message in the snap.

Wrong person my ass. It really took 15 minutes to send a snap back after opening my first one?😏😂

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