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Ahyeong's P.O.V

I hadn't touched my phone in the past 20 minutes. As tempted as I was to look at the 19 unread Snapchat notifications, I couldn't.

I knew that if I read his messages, it might've changed my mind about going to his place.

I stopped to think about it again. What if there really was something important and he didn't want visitors?

I sighed before finally turning on my phone to look at the unread messages.


I rang the doorbell, waiting for Jimin to open the door.

I decided to come over after realizing all those unread messages were about his stupid rugby, hockey, soccer practices. He even said he was going to the park to paint butterflies too, which meant he wouldn't be home. The idiot forgot that it was raining.


I waited on his front porch, shivering in my damp shirt. The stupid umbrella didn't even. But I mean, at least my pants are still somewhat dry.

The sound of the wooden floor creaking could be heard signaling he was home and making his way to open the door. The front door swung open revealing Jimin. 

"Ahyeong, oh my gosh, you're soaking wet." He gasped, pulling me into his house.


I walked out of the bathroom with my hair dripping wet from the shower, soaking the shoulders of the hoodie that Jimin let me borrow, along with his new shorts.

I made my way to the living room, where Jimin was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

He looked up at me, before licking his lips and then putting his phone on the little side table by the couch.

"I thought I told you not to come." He raised a brow.

"But here I am. What does that tell you?" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"That you're disobedient." He stared blankly.

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.

"Just tell me why you've been avoiding me for the past week. That's literally all I'm concerned about at the moment." I sighed as I walked towards him.

"Shouldn't you be more concerned about whether Woojin's doing okay?" He reached out for his phone again, uninterested in the conversation.

"What's you're deal with Woojin anyway?" I snapped. "You've been upset ever since I told you that I liked him."

"I'm not upset."

"Clearly, you are." I rolled my eyes. "Tell me why."

"I said I'm not."

"Jimin, I'm going to ask you one mo-"

"You just don't get it, do you?" He raised his voice, standing up, causing me to take a step back.

"I just wanted you to tell me what's been bothering you," I said quietly.

"Ahyeong," He said taking small steps towards me as I slowly walked back. "As much as I want to tell you, I can't."

"But why?" I look at him. "Why is it so hard to tell me?"

"It would ruin our friendship." His voice faltered.

"Did you do something wrong?" I asked


"Then what is it?"

"You really want to know, huh?" He asked as I nodded eagerly.

He to his side licking his lips as he took a deep breath.

Fixating his eyes on me, he then said three words I would never expect him of all people to say to me.


thank you so much for 183k on snap i literally could not thank you guys enough I love u guys so so much <3

i hope everyone knows that if you want to talk about anything or get anything off your mind, i'm always down to talk !

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