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I took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air as a cool breeze blew a few strands of my hair onto my face.

My heart was still racing from either running up the stairs too fast or from just being scared to come face to face with Jimin.

I scoffed at myself for overreacting as it wasn't even that much of a big deal. Now that I think about it, he probably didn't even care.

I looked at the view before me, resting my elbows on the railing that ran along the outline of the roof, creating a border for student's safety.

It was a rather calming place, I could hear the sound of cars and birds chirping followed by a sharp a clicking sound.

A clicking sound?

I turned around and looked towards the direction where the sound had come from.

"Jimin?" I looked at him with wide eyes.


It was a big deal.

My heart rate slowly accelerated as his shoulders tensed up for a second after walking through the door of the school roof. He quickly relaxed his frame and began walking towards me. "Hey." His tone of voice was calm and soft.

He stood next to me, looking at the buildings and cars, admiring the view. I turned around to do the same, trying my best not to be the awkward person I am. It was times like this when I wished I was actually good at talking to people like Jira.

"Funny how we haven't spoken much although we basically have the same friends group." He cracked a smile as I nodded in agreement.

Then I realized that he was probably thinking that it was weird how I sent him a confession even though we've barely even spoken.

My heart rate quickened again, hoping for my life that this conversation won't continue the same way it is in my head.

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