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The school year was almost coming to an end which meant I could finally get out of here. That also meant that just like every other senior class, a graduation trip was being held.

Half of the seniors were going to Jeju, while the other half were heading to Daegu.

Luckily enough, our class was getting the chance to go to Daegu. Surprisingly, the rest of our friends group was coming to Daegu too. It was pretty shocking at first as to how such a coincidence could actually happen and how slim the odds were, but in the end, I was just happy that we were all going together.

"As we all know, the trip to Daegu will be held in two weeks time." Mr. Jung announced as the class had settled down upon his presence. "Thankfully, our school was fortunate enough to have us stay at a five-star hotel. Now I know this may not be the best news for many of you, but the hotel roommates will be assigned." He informed in a monotone voice as the sound of groans and sighs by students could be heard.

The thing about Mr. Jung was that as much as he cared or was enthusiastic about something, he just always sounded dead and scary. It was one of the reasons that not many students were quite fond of him, even with him being our homeroom teacher.

"Your roommates will be announced next week on Wednesday. Hopefully that will give you enough time to plan whatever you need to with them. But on the plus side, student will be given the option to chose the hotel rooms. The list of rooms will be up on Thursday on the wall by the closet door." He gestured towards the door at the far end of the classroom—basically where I was sitting.

We were one of the eleven classes that had a storage room in the classroom itself, unlike the other eighty classes.

After announcing whatever information needed to be said, Mr. Jung began teaching the class and the day went on as usual.

Biology and Calculus took forever but soon, it was time for lunch. Minjae and I walked out of the class and made our way towards our lockers.

"So who do you think you'll be partnered with?" She nudged me with a small smile. "Jimin, perhaps?"

"Now that would be a disaster." I shook my head at the thought itself. "I probably won't though. I mean, what are the odds?"

"Pretty slim but you tell me, what happens in every fanfiction?" She raised a brow with a smirk.

"Yeah, no." I chuckled. "If my life were a fanfiction, I'm pretty damn sure I would've either looked like a model or a pile of trash that got run over. But thankfully I'm neither."

My life as Kim Ahyeong, had nothing to do with romance and boy problems. I mean, Jimin may be a little cute, but there could never possibly be anything between us.

"You could totally be a model." Minjae looked at me. "But if anything happens between you and Jimin, I called it before anyone else so don't you dare forget that."

"Good luck." I shook my head again.

"Admit it, I'm always right." She said in a cocky tone with a smirk.

"Of course. You're always right. But nothing is going to happen between Jimin and I, so don't get your hopes up too much." I chuckled at how competitive she was at times, always wanting to be right.

"We'll see about that."

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