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Kwon Hysu.

My heart dropped at the sound of his voice. But what was I supposed to expect?

The boys talked and time seemed to be going by slower than ever as I was crammed up in the small closet. The only source of light I had at that moment was the light from the classroom seeping through the crack at the bottom of the door.

I waited as patiently and quietly as I possibly could but only moments into their conversation, something caught my attention.

"Still can't believe you let him get to you. You're whole lip's literally busted." One of the boys snorted.

"Who?" Another male questioned.

"Apparently, Hysu tried stepping up to Jeon and guess who got caught slacking? That's right, your homeboy, Kwon motherfucking Hysu." Jisung, one of Hysu's good friends spoke up.


Then I realized that was probably why Jungkook's watch was here.

"He just caught me off guard. I can already see the bullet going through his head tomorrow." He chuckled like a psychopath.

"Dude, chill out. He just wanted to talk. He wouldn't have even beaten you up if you hadn't thrown a punch at him first."

Talk? Talk about what?

"And I care? That kid had the audacity to even touch me." He growled.

"Yeah, but think about this. he only came to talk to you separately about the girl you're going to be sleeping with tonight, so use her."

My body tensed up hearing those words leave the male's mouth. But at the same time I still found it really sweet how Jungkook tried to talk things out with Hysu privately without me even having to ask him.

"Who?" Another one of his gang members asked. "That girl you've been going after?"

"Yeah, I plan on doing that." My heart rate quickened as my breathing was only starting to get louder.

I was still crouched down in the same position I had been in for the past five minutes.

"No wait, what about Jungkook's girlfriend?" Minjae? What did she even have to do with any of this?

I would just let Jungkook know before hand and—

My whole body froze as my breathing stopped upon hearing the sound of a tin can bounce and roll passed my feet across the marble floor as I must have accidentally knocked it off the shelf behind me. My pulse sped up tremendously as I knew for a fact that it didn't go unnoticed.

The whole room was silent which only caused me to hold my breath for longer. Hearing Jisung mutter a small "What in the world—" as footsteps approached the closet definitely didn't help. Taking little steps towards the back of the small space, I closed my eyes shut, knowing exactly what was about to come next.

The closet door was opened only moments later, revealing me in my hiding spot as Jisung stood by the door.

He furrowed his brows as I stared at him, dumbfounded.

Hysu hopped off the desk he was currently sitting on, and walked towards me with just as much of a surprised expression as everyone else in the room had.

Hysu flicked on the switch, lighting up the small room I was still crouching in, pretending no one had even found me yet. I didn't dare to even move.

I slowly gulped and looked up at him as he knelt down slowly to my level. He turned around to face his friends for a second before facing me again.

The very moment his eyes had locked onto mine, it didn't take long for a smirk to find its way onto his face.

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