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Ahyeong's P.O.V

My eyes slowly fluttered open as I squinted around the room with my hands in the air, stretching. Noticing how I was in Woojin and Jimin's room reminded me of the events that took place last night sending shivers down my spine.

The bathroom door opened, revealing Jimin. He had a towel slung around his shoulders as water dripped off the ends of his hair.

"Ah, you're up." He smiled as his eyes softened making me almost melt in his sight.

I gave him a soft smile as I nodded my head a little.

He walked around the bed, sitting next to me on the edge. Jimin placed his hand on my forehead, catching me a bit off guard. "How're you feeling?" He looked at me as I froze.

I shook off every thought that began circling in my head as I only nodded, avoiding his gaze. "I feel like it would be best if we just tried not to think about what happened." Jimin furrowed his brows after hearing me say that. "It wasn't really a big deal and-"

"It was a big deal though." He interrupted me. "The guys already know what happened and so I'm assuming the girls already know as well. I've spoken to Mr. Jung this morning about the situation and since he doesn't plan on getting in trouble by going against lawsuits, he's decided to stop being such a bitch and will respect the fact that none of us want Hysu even near us until the end of the trip."

I sat quietly for a good ten seconds before actually processing what he just said.

"Mr. Jung? Not being a bitch? That's a first." I laughed a bit trying to lighten up the mood since Jimin seemed really serious at the moment and to be completely honest it was kind of scaring me.

He smiled as soon as he heard my laugh and nodded. "I know right." He laughed a bit too.

An awkward silence filled the air and my eyes began wandering around the room. My eyes wandered towards the clock and-

"Is that the correct time?" I asked as my eyes widened in shocked seeing that it was already 2:17pm.

"It is. You sure you don't need more sleep?" He chuckled.

"Where are the others?" I asked.

"They left for the beach about an hour ago I was going to wake you up but you seemed so comfy and peaceful in bed so I didn't."

"Why didn't you go?"

"Because if I left, who would be here for you when you woke up?" He said as if it was most obvious thing in the world.

"But now you're missing out on all the fun because of me." I frowned.

"I wouldn't really call it missing out on the fun. First of all, it isn't because of you. It's for you. If I wanted to go that bad I would have, but I couldnt just leave you. And second of all, it wouldn't be missing out if I wouldn't have found it fun at the beach without you anyway." He smiled shyly.

"We'll head to the beach too as soon as I get ready then!" I said as I quickly got out of bed and began making my way towards the bathroom.

He raised a brow with a smile. "You sure?" He asked as I nodded. "Don't take too long." He said 

"I won't." I chuckled before entering the bathroom and locking the door behind me.


hey! i just wanted to give you guys a heads up that there will only be around ten more chapters until the book comes to an end. thank you so much for those of you who are still reading you all honestly mean the world to me i love u guys :(

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