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Ahyeong's P.O.V

Was he listening to us the entire time?

"Oh, J-Jimin.." I laughed nervously. "I can explain."

"Um... Yeah, I'll just go now." Minyoung patted my shoulder as I gave her a pleading look not to go.

Once we heard her door close I turned to look at Jimin. He was grinning and giving me a knowing look.

He chuckled lowly before beginning to take a few steps in my direction. He looked at me as if he knew all my secrets and was ready to blackmail the shit out of me.

I just stood there, not saying a word as I waited for him to say something. Once he got close enough with our faces only inches apart, he lifted my chin so our eyes met.

I waited for him to say something but he didn't.

He leaned in a tad bit closer and my heart began beating faster and faster by the second.

I let my eyes flutter closed but what I was expecting didn't happen.

"So who is it?" He suddenly giggled.

"Huh?" I furrowed my brows, confused as to what he meant.

"Oh don't play dumb with me, you like someone and you wanted to tell me but you thought that it might make things awkward between us if we talk about your crush. Isn't that what you and Minyoung were just talking about?"

I wave of relief washed over me once I realized he still didn't know I liked him.

"Oh.. y-yeah, that's what we were talking about." I chuckled nervously.

"Dumbass, you know you can tell me anything. I swear I won't let things get awkward between us." He stood up straight, like a kid pretending to be a hero.

"But let's talk about this inside. We don't want any complaints and end up getting kicked out just yet." He giggled as he held my hand and dragged me back to our hotel room.

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