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Ahyeong's P.O.V

"Hysu has told us that Ahyeong has been spending the night in another students room ever since we got here." I heard Mr. Jung inform.

"And you believe him?" I scoffed from inside the room as Hysu peeked in and smirked at me.

Taehyung closed the door a bit so that I was out of their sight.

"I mean, the amount of hatred she seems to be having towards this young man is enough proof to tell me that she refuses to stay in the same room as him." The teacher spoke nothing but facts for the first time.

"Exactly, so isn't that enough proof to tell you that she clearly has a problem with him and doesn't feel safe being near him." Jimin snapped as he walked towards the door and stood next to Taehyung.

"Ahyeong must be sent back to her room within the next 5 minutes or else there will be consequences." Mr. Jung said sternly, not wanting to deal with us anymore as he left.

"Ahyeong's sleeping in my room tonight." He said once Taehyung had locked the room door.

"Doesn't your room only have one bed tho, Jimin?" Yoongi smirked.

Holy shit, me? Sleeping on the same bed as Jimin? Fuck ye-

"I can sleep on the floor. I mean, I did it last night too."


"Ayeong, get your stuff from your room."


"Do you want to sleep with Hysu?" He cocked a brow as I slowly shook my head.

"Can you um, come with me to get my stuff..? I kind of don't to be in there alone with him after what happened today." I said quietly.

He nodded with a slight smile as I stood up and walked towards the door with him following close behind.

We went next door and I unlocked it as quietly as I possibly could, luckily there was no sight of Hysu, he must've been in the bathroom.

Jimin and I quickly got my stuff and were about to leave the room again but before we could, the bathroom door opened, only to have Hysu walking out. He glanced at Jimin and I, then eyed the bag in Jimin's hand and my phone charger and a few other belongings in my hands.

"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" He asked me.

"I-I um- I was just-"

"You heard what the teacher said." He said sternly before slightly breaking out into a smile before sitting back down on his bed.

"And the teacher has the right to control who she spends the night with? She's coming to my room and if you have a problem with that, go ahead and tell Mr. Jung since you can't seem to even solve your own problems." Jimin said  as Hysu clenched his jaw.

Before he could respond, there was a knock at the door. Jimin walked over to open it, revealing Mr. Jung.

Jimin looked at him, blinking twice with a blank expression before groaning, "Are you his personal body guard or something?"

"Well, he was payed." Hysu shrugged.

"This is a school not some fucking high payed mission." 

"Yes she's here now, thank you." Hysu said to the teacher as the teacher said something else, we couldn't quite hear since he was too quiet.

Hysu's P.O.V

Mr. Jung leaned in and whispered. "I swear if I don't get my pay from your father-"

"Yes, yes, you will indeed, I highly appreciate your help, now quit being a bother." I gestured for him to leave. "Also, you have a friend waiting in the lobby." I said to him as I closed the door in his face.

I turned around to face Ahyeong, who was now standing a bit behind Jimin as if he would protect her from anything.

They both looked at me waiting for me to say something.

I cleared my throat before speaking. "Jimin, Mr. Jung needs to have a word for you, he'll be waiting for you in the lobby. As for Ahyeong, she isn't allowed to leave the room for the rest of the night."

Ahyeong's eyes widened as she looked at Jimin who now had his hands balled up into fists and his jaw clenched. She quickly regained herself and slowly nodded in assurance that she would be fine. 

And with that, the fool left the room falling for my lies as I locked the door behind him.


got logged out and bRO- that was the scariest moment of my life it took me a week to get my password back :(

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