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I walked towards the hotel room door, keeping my distance from Hysu as he unlocked the door. I put the extra keys in my phone case for safe keeping.

I quietly walked in after him, setting my bags down beside one of the two beds in the room as I put my phone on the side table before heading to the bathroom to wash up for the day.

I walked out of the bathroom wearing an oversized hoodie and a towel on my head. My eyes diverted to Hysu who was sitting on his bed, dangling his leg off the corner as his eyes met mine.

This was probably the first time I ever understood why girls were after him. His looks were rather attractive. I immediately rolled my eyes at the thought. If only he had a decent personality, it would make him so much better of a person.

The sound of a notification breaks me out of my thoughts as I realized I had been staring at Hysu for almost a good ten seconds now. By now, a smirk had already made its way up his face which only scared me, knowing he probably thought I was onto something.

Shaking my head, I roll my eyes at him before walking towards my side table to take a look at the notification.


jamless is typing...


jamless sent a chat!




come to my room once
you've settled your stuff
you can spend the day in
here if you want


After typing in my message to reply, my phone was snatched out of my hands before I knew it.

"What do we have here?" Hysu chuckled after reading the message.

"Bro, give it back." I tried reached out for my phone as he held up in the air.

"Easy there, I just gotta respond first." He said as he began typing something in.

I tried to pull his arms down so that I could somehow reach my phone but it was no use as he continued to type while holding it up in the air.

"Don't worry about me, Jimin. I'm fine here and you really have to get off my back and loosen up with Hysu. He isn't all that bad y'know." Hysu read the message out loud before hitting send.

I pounced on him as my arm swung around his neck, causing both of us to fall. My phone went flying across the room as it hit the corner of the bed before dropping to the carpeted floor.

"Fuck." He hissed at the scratch I gave him on his neck when we fell.

I grabbed my phone, noticing that Jimin had only just opened the message and was currently typing. Running out of the room, I knocked on the door across from ours.

"Ahyeong! Come in!" Woojin, Jimin's roommate who happened to be Hysu's good friend, welcomed me into the room.

Woojin wasn't like all of Hysu's other friends. He wasn't part of a gang or anything like that. He was just one of those students who happened to be friends with almost everyone he knew.

As I walked in, Jimin stood up from the bed and quickly made his way towards me, confused.

"Ahyeong, are you okay? Did he do anything to you? Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly as he examined my features to make sure I wasn't physically hurt.

"Jimin, I'm fine." I laughed, mentally screaming, knowing a blush was making its way upto my face.

"Alright so are we switching roommates now?" Woojin asked me.

At that moment, I had realized that there was only one bed in the room. I felt my cheeks flush at the thought. I quickly shook my head for even trying to process such a thing.

"Yes, you are." Jimin said as he nodded.

"Are you sure you're okay with it?" I asked Woojin as he nodded with a smile. "But I left as soon as I could which means my stuff is still back in the room." I sighed before turning towards the door. "I'll be right back."

"Wait, do you want me to go and get your stuff for you?" Jimin walked towards me, grabbing the door knob.

"No, it's alright." I laughed as he slowly turned the handle before opening the door for me. "I'll be fine." I smiled before entering my assigned room.

As I walked through the door, I noticed Hysu was nowhere to be seen.

I rushed to grab my things, almost tripping over the corner of the bed. After finally making sure I had everything, I made my way to my towards the door to leave as fast as possible.

"And where the do you think you're going?" I heard Hysu ask from the bathroom. The door was wide open and he was standing in front of the mirror looking at the scratch I had given him earlier that was clearly visible.

"I um.. I was just-"

"You're not going anywhere. The principal's rules are final." He said as he walked towards me.


"No. If you end up changing rooms, I'll make sure that it doesn't take long for the teacher to find out." He said as he took my bag and put it on his side of the bed.

"Jeez, you sound like a spoiled seven year old." I scoffed as he only hummed in response before laying back down on the bed and scrolling through his phone.

I sighed before leaving the room only to see Jimin waiting outside my door.

"Well?" He raised a brow, confused as to where my stuff was.

"He said no." I looked down.

"Just take your stuff and leave." He said as he walked towards me. "Actually, go inside my room, I'll get your stuff." He said walking past me.

"Wait,"  I said turning to him. "He said he was going to tell the teacher, and you know that I'm going to be sent back anyway. So there's no point. Thank you though." I sighed.

"What? Is he 5?" Jimin scoffed as I shrugged. "It's fine, you can stay in my room until tonight." He sighed, walking back into his room as I followed. Woojin stared at us with his luggage in his hands.

I paused, looking at his confused face. "We're not switching." I said quietly before apologizing.

"Oh, no worries." He smiled, putting his stuff down again before scartching the back of his neck.

"Movie?" Jimin suggested as he held up the television remote.

"I'm down." Woojin hopped on the bed, making himself comfortable under the warmth of the blankets. "Ahyeong?"

I nodded before making my way to the bed, seating myself next to Woojin.

"Horror?" The boy next to me suggested as he checked the time on his phone.

"Yessir." Jimin responded.

And with that, we spent the rest of our day and watching movies.

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