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Ahyeong's P.O.V

"Wait!" I backed away from Jimin as all he did was laugh.

"Come on, the water actually feels nice." He held my hand as he gently began pulling on it.

"But I don't wanna get wet." I said as the water slowly made it's way on the shore, letting my feet soak into it before retreating.

Everyone was worried sick and had bombarded me with questions as soon as they saw me and Jimin walk onto the beach.

I assured them that I was just fine but they said that we'd continue the conversation once we got home and for now we should just enjoy our time at the beach.

"You brought extra clothes for a reason." Jimin laughed before actually starting to pull me in.

"What are you even going to get out if it?" I whined, pulling my hand away but he just ended up holding it tighter.

"Ahyeong." He whined, tugging my hand. "Getting wet isn't even that bad."

I stared at him for a good 5 seconds before his eyes went wide when he realized what he said.

"Oh my god I didn't mean it like that I swear!" He started panicking as I let out a small laugh.

"Okay now back to where we were." He quickly changed the topic as he pulled me into the water.

Eventually we made it deep enough into the water where it was up to my neck and down to his chest.

"I think we're far enough." I said nervously, inching myself closer to him.

"Bring the poor girl back! She's going to drown, Jimin!" Yoongi laughed as he, along with Minyoung, Jira, and Taehyung played with the beach ball in the shallow part of the water while Minjae and Jungkook sat on shore and talked with Soohyung and Hoseok.

"She's not going to drown." Jimin chuckled as he looked at me and smiled.

"She might! The water's up to her neck." Taehyung yelled as he hit the ball towards Jira.

"Does it really look like I'm going to let her drown?" Jimin scoffed. "I've put myself on life guard duty right now for Ahyeong's safety." He stood up straight, sounding proud of himself.

A smiled made its way to my face but I forced it back down looking away knowing damn well that my face had just lit up bright pink.

I think maybe it was time to accept the fact that I have feelings for Jimin.

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