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I jolted my head, waking up from my nap to the sound of Jimin's voice followed by a bang on the table I was resting my head on.

I jerked up, scanning my surroundings to see what had happened.

"Oh." He looked at me quickly, pursing his lips with regret. "Sorry to wake you." He scratched the back of his neck.

I was confused for a bit as to where I was, what the current date was and what was happening.

As soon as I came to my senses, I let out a small gasp, not wanting to disturb any other people at the library.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry I fell asleep." I said in panic. "How long was I asleep?"

"Not too long, don't worry about it." He chuckled.

"How long though?"

"About an hour and a half." My eyes widened upon hearing that as I quickly checked my phone for the time noticing that it was already 5:17pm and we had arrived here around 3:30pm.

"That means you've done majority of the work. I'll try finish the rest on my ow—"

"It's fine. Don't worry about it." He laughed a bit as he ruffled my hair. "We're almost done anyway." He smiled.

"You sure?" I asked, still feeling bad that I basically made him do most of it.

"Yeah." He let out an adorable giggle, "Now, let's try to finish this as fast as possible." He spoke as I nodded in agreement.

An hour of working nonstop went by as slow as ever, but we were finally done.

"Finally." Jimin's voice croaked as he stretched, pushing his chair back. "We're really done." He sang happily to himself.

Checking the time for the umpteenth time today, I realized it was now 6:22pm.

"Wanna go out?" Jimin looked up at me.


He paused and widened his eyes before waving both of his hands in front of him and shaking his head. "T—that's not what I meant. I just wanted to ask if you wanted to get something to eat." He looked away as he continued packing his bag.

The thought of only us 2 going out to eat, kinda sounded like a, well—you know, a date. I quickly shook that thought away once I could feel Jimin's stare at me.

"Sure." I said, trying my absolute best to sound as nonchalant as possible.

"You sure? Your response sounded pretty forceful." He broke eye contact and looked somewhere behind me.

"Oh, no don't worry, it wasn't." I told him out of honesty. "I actually kinda think that it's a great way for us to maybe get to know each other a bit better."

He nodded as we exited the library and began walking towards the parking lot.

"Where are we going?" I furrowed my brows not realizing that I had just been following him without even questioning it.

"We can leave our bags in my car and then we'll go to a restaurant."

"If you had a car, why didn't you just drive to the library yesterday when you were getting late?"

He thought about it for a moment before he shrugged.

"Idiot." I muttered under my  breath as I let out a quiet laugh.

We got to his car and placed our bags in the back seats before I got in passenger seat, and him in the driver's.

"So do you have any places in mind?" He looked at me.

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