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Jimin's P.O.V

I gently set Ahyeong down onto the queen size bed as she quietly cried.

I sat down next to her before wrapping my arms around her and began drawing circles on her back with my finger.

"You're safe now Ahyeong.. he's not here.." I spoke softly.

After about 10 minutes of reassuring her that she was safe. She had finally stopped crying.

"You should rest now." I said as I removed a strand of hair away from her face.

She nodded before laying down in bed. I took the duvet and tucked her in. I sat in bed with her for a while, waiting for her to sleep.

Eventually, her breathing had slowed down indicating that she was asleep.

I texted the groupchat that consisted of only the guys and told them what had happened. I'll talk to her later and hear her side of the story and what actually happened.


After telling the boys, they had literally all flipped. Jungkook was beyond pissed and Taehyung was ready to square up with Hysu.

But Yoongi wasn't online. Knowing him, he probably fell asleep.

We all decided to discuss the rest in the morning after all the girls were informed of what happened.

I layed down next to Ahyeong under the covers and had my back facing her.

I closed my eyes, soon drifting off to sleep.


Another short n boring chapter ik :(

another update !!! i know this book was not written well at all and chapters seem really boring, but this is something i wrote 2 years ago and im just slowly republishing my chapters after editing them a up because in the previous version of this book, soohyun and hoseok weren't in the story before :(

but thank you for getting this far into the book and i promise i will work harder on my other books !!! 

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