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Cars drove by as I leaned my head against the window. My attempt to take a short nap on the bus had failed quite miserably after realizing how bumpy the ride was.

Scenes from today replayed in my head and I just couldn't seem get over what had happened earlier. I really didn't have a good feeling about this trip. I even had the option to stay home, yet here I am, on the bus to the airport which will then lead us to Daegu.

"Are you a hundred percent sure you're okay?"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled at how worried they all were. "Soohyun, for the hundredth time, I really am fine."

I turned to the seat behind me where she was seated with Hoseok. I smiled at her once again to reassure her that everything really was okay.

Jungkook had explained to the rest of those who came after the incident, what had happened. And since he did, the girls have been on my back asking if I was okay every now and then.

But I wasn't hurt or anything, they had no reason to worry about me as long as I was fine.

There was no way in hell that I was going to sleep in the same room as Hysu though.

All I had to do was sneak into Jimin's room and switch spots with Woojin.

Now about Jimin.

He's been sort of... close lately? He's been starting to get a bit clingy. For the most, I could say it was actually rather cute. He was also slowly becoming a bit protective over me in a way too.

But the more I try to see things realistically, what are the odds of someone as good-looking and tenderhearted as Jimin to actually have feelings for me?

Sure, I've had tons of guy friends. Some were pretty cute and some just weren't my type. Regardless, none of them had an effect on me like this.

This was different.

Looking back on it, almost everything he does or almost every time he's even around me, I can't help but notice the little things that trigger the butterflies in my stomach.

Us? Together? Such a wonderful thought couldn't even properly process in my head at the moment and—

"You okay?" I flinched, immediately snapping out of my thoughts as Jimin's voice rang though my ears.

I hadn't even realized that I was death-staring the leather seat in front of me for who knows how long.

I quickly diverted my gaze out the window as I quietly nodded, not making eye contact.

I wasn't mad or anything, I just knew that if I looked him in the eye and talked to him with the thoughts still running through my head, I would be a mess. An awkward mess.

He sighed before turning almost his entire body to face me. "Listen," Jimin leaned in, trying to get me to look at him, which I did. "I know you probably don't want to talk about what happened and you're annoyed that we all keep asking if you're doing fine, but you've been a bit quieter and we're all just checking up on you because we care."

His voice was so soft as he spoke and I wanted to say that it calmed me down, but it just so happened that he ended up doing the exact opposite of that. My heart beat quickened a bit as I opened my mouth to say something, but what was I supposed to say?

Licking my lips, I looked around awkwardly before finally thinking of something. "Yeah, I know." I chuckled, "But there shouldn't be anything to worry about since it's already happened and I'm just fine."

"You seemed like you were pretty deep in your thoughts. Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" He tilted his head.

"I was just thinking about the trip, I guess." I lied.

He let out a small sigh before nodding, "Yeah, but we all are going to try our best to keep you and Hysu apart for as much time as we can." He said, assuming I was worried about that just a moment ago, when in reality, I was just trying to figure out my feelings for Jimin.

He gently placed his hand on my thigh before asking me once again if I was alright. Little did he know, that one little gesture sent my stomach swirling and caused my body to stiffen almost immediately.

I slowly nodded, forcing a tense smile as he nodded as well. He seemed reluctant, but ended up moving his hand off my thigh and pulled out his phone as he began playing the same game he always was.

I leaned my head on the window as my body was still somewhat slightly turned towards him. This gave me the perfect view of his side profile.

All his facial features were so breathtaking. I instantly looked away once I realized that I had been staring directly at his face for too long. But I couldn't blame myself. Definitely not when someone as beautiful as him was sitting right next to me.

"I know I'm beautiful." He slightly turned his head towards me to take a look at me for a brief moment before looking back at his snake game.

My eyes widened and lips slightly parted a bit too much.

He really just read my mind.

I looked out the window, cheeks flushed pink with embarrassment as I tried to close my eyes and think of something else.

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