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I stared out at the same view as I had been nonstop for the past few minutes. Jimin hadn't said anything for a while which I had to admit, was starting to scare the crap out of me.

Silence was just giving him time to think even more about what happened. Who know's what he was thinking in this very moment.

I only continued to stare at the buildings before me, coming to the conclusion that it was the best option for the moment.

Then I remembered that Hoseok and the rest wanted to hangout with Jimin during spare.

Taking that as an opportunity to break the silence, I mustered up the courage to finally speak. "Weren't you going to hangout with Hoseok today?"

He flinched upon hearing my voice, as if I had just broken him out of some trance or deep thought. "Yeah, I texted Hoseok while I was on the stairs, coming to the rooftop that I was couldn't make it and that we could hangout another day."

I simply nodded in understanding and looked around trying to think of a way to get out of the situation.

But then I suddenly remembered how Jimin didn't actually believe that the snap was meant for someone else. I had to actually be brave for once and as much as I didn't want to bring up the topic, I was going to do it and get it over with.

I took in a deep breath and opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

I couldn't.

But then I tried convincing myself that I was only over reacting and that it wasn't that hard. Or at least, it shouldn't have been.

"Jimin," I breathed, immediately regretting opening my mouth in the first place.

"Hm?" He kept his gaze glued to the building in front of us.

"About the confession—" I paused, noticing how he had suddenly directed his gaze on me.

"It was meant for someone else." He shrugged, doing the talking for me.

"Yeah.. it really was. I mean, you may not have believed me but—"

"Ah, no, don't worry about that, I was just messing around." He laughed, his eye smile so visible to an extent where I actually started to question whether or not he could actually see anything when he laughed.

My shoulders relaxed, a wave of relieve washing over me. 


Seeing her say it in real life changed things a bit.

I still didn't believe her as much but I let it slide. I decided that for now, I would just pretend nothing happened, but I wouldn't try to forget what had happened.

But one thing that gave me an uneasy feeling was, if not me, who was the snap really meant for?

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