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I walked down the hallway, on my way to the cafeteria, while reminiscing the events that had taken place over the past week.

Jimin and I had gotten pretty close and have been hanging out almost everyday since the night after we finished our assignment.

As I neared the cafeteria, I felt an arm sling over my shoulder.

"You free after school today?" Jimin spoke as we continued our way to the cafeteria.

"Not too sure yet, but I can make some time." I smiled at the boy next to me who seemed so excited at just the mention of hanging out.

For some reason, I found it quite easy to become friends with Jimin. He was really easy to talk to and the aura he gave off was really nice. I just enjoyed his company.

"I was thinking we could maybe head over to my place today or something since I don't think you've ever really been there before, right?" He turned to look at me, his face just inches away from mine.

"Sounds good to me." I nodded without looking at him.

"We could even invite the others and maybe order some pizza too?" He suggested.

"If you want. I don't really mind to be honest."

He shrugged before changing the topic. "I can't wait to find out who we got as our hotel room partners." He said excitedly. "So, who do you think you got?"

"I mean, it could even be someone I've never even met for all I know. I could be partnered up with someone from another class." I shook my head at the thought.

The fact that they need some computer system to partner seemed sort of stupid to me.

No. Very Stupid.

Choosing partners really wasn't that hard, and if anything, the students should have the privilege to choose who they want to share a room with. 


"Oh my god." Minyoung said dramatically as he looked at me who was literally going to have a mental breakdown.

Hoseok and Jimin kept quiet, seemingly confused at how someone could make such a stupid decision as Soohyun sat next to me on the lunch table, patting my back in an effort to comfort me.

"This can't be right." I shook my head.

I mean, sure, we do tend to joke around about this pretty often. But now, it was actually serious.

I sure as hell was not missing out on the graduation trip because of such a problem. Plus, why would I? Majority of the stuff provided in the trip was free.

"Hey, don't worry about it, okay? We can try asking the principal to change things up again." Soohyun said softly, biting her lip, clearly trying her best to help but nervous that she wasn't doing well.

I smiled at her, only to assure her that she was actually helping—which she was, but I was still panicking.

But what confused me most was how the school wasn't letting me switch partners. We had already tried speaking to them once.

"Well talk to him for sure. Just calm down and breathe." Hoseok said in a soothing voice as I only nodded.

"Okay but for real though, how stupid does one possibly have to be to pair someone like Kwon Hysu with a girl." Jimin furrowed his brows, still just as confused as the rest of us. "Let alone as a hotel room partner where they're going to be spending two full days together in that very room."

"I literally don't even care, I'm not sleeping in the same room as Hysu." I raised my voice a bit.

"It's okay, Ahyeo—"

"How?!" I threw my arms in the air as I cut Jimin off. "How can this possibly be okay?!"

"Ahyeong," Jimin said as he grabbed onto both of my arms to stop me from waving them around everywhere. "I'll talk to the principal if I have to, okay? Just don't worry about it for now." He said reassuringly.

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