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"Hey, wake up." Minyoung nudged me as I groaned, stretching my arms out. "We're here."

"Hm?" I open my eyes and squinted, trying to adjust to the sunlight coming from the window of the plane.

"Wake up sleepy head." I felt Minjae push my head from the seat behind me.

I looked out the window, noticing that the plain was almost at a full stop. I had a clear view of Jimin and Yoongi's side profiles as they talked, looking as the seats in front of me.

Once the flight attendant announced that we could begin getting our stuff from the luggage shelves above us, we got up and and began taking our luggage.

I grabbed my bag but behind that was my hand carry. Standing on the tips of my toes didn't quite help either. Looking around for Jungkook was sitting behind throughout the flight. Finally catching sight of him, I noticed he was a bit busy helping out Minjae.

Yoongi turned to me, probably noticing I needed help, and opened his mouth to speak. But before he could say anything Minyoung spoke up. "Jimin, Ahyeong was asking if you could help her get her hand carry down."

I widened my eyes before looking at her as she looked away smiling as she began fleeing from the scene. Yoongi sucked in his lips, trying to hold back a smile, knowing exactly what his girlfriend was trying to do.

"Oh, sure." He chuckled, rather awkwardly but still managed to smile.

He walked past Yoongi who was in his way and reached out for my hand carry, placing it on the ground moments later.

"Thanks." I smiled as he returned one before nodding and walking away.


"Minjae, I swear to god if you take off my head phones one more time." I heard Jungkook warn from the seat beside us.

"But the bus ride is so boring." She pulled off his headphones for the eighth time in the past five minutes.

"How about a game of truth or dare?" Soohyun suggested.

I visibly tensed at the sound of it as I looked at Soohyun. Giving me a knowing smile, she shrugged as I turned back in my seat and sat down facing the front properly.

"Sounds good to me." Jimin, who was sitting on the outer side of the seat, agreed from next to me. I felt his gaze land on me from my right, and the worst part was, I couldn't even look anywhere else but outside the window since I was sitting on the inner side of the seat.

Jimin seemed so unbothered, it made me wonder if he had maybe forgotten what happened last time.

I tried convincing myself that it really wasn't a big deal, but if someone sent me a confession letter and then later said it was a dare, then I sure as hell probably wasn't going to believe that excuse. 

"This time, nothing too. . ." I heard Jimin sigh, "misleading? We don't want anything backfiring like last time." He looked at me and smirked. "Right, Ahyeong?"

I widened my eyes knowing for a fact that a visible blush had already crept it's way up my face. "Oh um, r-right." I stuttered and nodded.

I could hear Minyoung and Minjae try to hold in their laughs, but Jira on the other hand couldn't keep it in as she burst out laughing, still trying her best to hide it by sticking her face to the back of her back.

Yoongi and Hoseok looked at us in confusion as Taehyung and Jungkook seemed to know what was going on. "They were there when it happened." Jimin scratched the back of his neck while nervously smiling.

I faced palmed as I sunk into the seat.

"Don't think too much about it," Jimin laughed as he ruffled my hair for the third time today.

Soohyun, who was sitting next to Hoseok behind us, leaned over our seat and looked at Jimin, "I heard she was supposed to send her nudes instead."

"Was not!" I covered my face, sinking deeper into the seat than before.

"What if I told you I liked it."

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