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The weekend was finally here and Jungkook and I were going to go out after school today and spend some time together. I waited at the back of the school, where he told me to meet him.

Soon enough I spotted Jungkook's figure walking to the back of the school.

I happily made my way towards him as he smiled at the sight of me coming in his direction.

"So where too?" He asked as wrapped his arms around me and gently leaned in to peck my lips.

But before his lips could reach mine, I noticed I bit of blood on the corner of his.

I slightly backed away, not letting our lips meet and narrowed my eyes. I gently grabbed his jaw and took a look at his lip.

Jungkook gently held onto my wrist and moved my hand away from his jaw and tried to think of a topic to talk about.

"Alright, so how about we go t-"

"What happened?" I cut him off furrowing my brows. My question seemed to make him slightly tense up as his hand around my wrist slightly tightened.

"I accidentally bit it." He said as I raised my brow.

"Even though you might a good liar sometimes, this was probably the stupidest excuse you have ever came up with." I chuckled as I knelt on the floor with my bag in front of me, looking for something to treat his lip with.

"It was really nothing." He looked away.

"Come on Jungkook, just tel—wait," I paused. "Did you get into a fight?" I asked.

He sighed before taking in a small breath. I hated fights but at the same time I really enjoyed them too. "I'm okay though." He quickly reassured me with a smile as he pulled me in for a small hug.

I wanted to know who he fought, but at the same time, I kind of didn't.

"Did you kick their asses though, or did they kick yours?"

"Of course I did." He scoffed.

I hugged him back before pulling away almost immediately. "Are you hurt anywhere else?" I quickly asked, examining his feature to make sure he was okay as he scoffed again.

"I already told you," He ruffled my hair. "I'm fine."

He looked down at his wrist and furrowed his brows, before checking his other wrist. He quickly checked his pockets , fishing through each of them thoroughly.

"What happened?" I questioned out of concern.

"My watch," He breathed out quietly. "I can't find it anymore. I could've sworn it was on my wrist the whole time."

"Did you check your bag?" I asked as he quickly slid his black Jansport backpack off his shoulder and rummaged through each compartment.

"I was wearing it before the fight and I know for a fact that I didn't take it off." He said as he gave up looking for his watch.

"It must have slipped off while I was busy kicking his ass." He said running his slender hands through his silky brown hair. But even with all this frustration in his voice, he managed to still sound cocky about beating up whoever he did.

But who did he fight with?


okay so, exactly a year ago today, this book had 2 thousand reads and i had around 18 followers.

now, i have 142 thousand reads and 173 followers.

although this account hasn't grown a lot, it definitely has made some progress. even if that progress was by only gaining a follower, read, or vote. it has grown.

it's not much, but i'm so grateful for every single reader, whether they're a silent one or not. thank you so much for giving my work a shot.

i literally love each and every one of you guys so much and i don't even know what i can do in return for you guys. you all literally make me so happy.🥺

please talk to me if you're going through anything because im all ears and will give you all my attention. or if you just want to become friends, i always manage to reply to my private messages so please feel free to do so.

once again thank you guys so much, and have an amazing day ! ♡

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