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I stared hard at the screen, making sure not to let the head touch any part of its body or else it's game over. I watched as the snake travelled in different direction, eating every single apple that came across it's path.

A good thirty seconds had gone by and I was so close to beating my high score. That was until I just had to lose before I could beat the record.

Running my fingers through my hair, I checked the time making sure I could play another round.

"1:13pm?" I furrowed my brows, checking the actual clock hanging in my room. "No, it couldn't be."

But it was indeed, 1:13pm.

I widened my eyes, now realizing I was late considering how I had to be at the library by 1 o'clock.

I checked my notifications, noticing I had completely missed out on the fact that Ahyeong had texted me on snapchat three minutes ago.




sorry im late
where are you??


 But me being me, I can pull of anything so I pretended that I had been looking for her.

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