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He turned to look in our direction and smiled. "Jimin will be here in a minute or so." He paused as he looked at me, making sure I was okay with it after finding out what had happened. "He's just gone to use the bathroom.

Once again, it wasn't really a big deal, but I was just glad that everyone understood that no matter how much anyone tries to convince me, I will always be embarrassed about this.

"Why today though?" I raised a brow, thinking maybe Hoseok did this on purpose since Jimin never usually hangs out with us during spare. Well, except for that one time last year.

But I honestly don't even know where he goes during lunch and spare.

"Because he needs a break. He's been overworking himself everyday in here nonstop. Every day at lunch. Everyday during spare. He practices dancing in here and never takes a break. He needs to understand he can dance like a pro already." Hoseok sighed while getting up, lifting his bag off the ground.

"But if Ahyeong isn't ready for now, then it's all good. Jimin and I can just walk around for a bit, then we'll figure out something to do eventually." He smiled.

"No, no, it's fine. I mean, I may not want to see him face to face right now, but you guys can all hangout. I've got a crap ton of homework to finish anyway and it'd honestly be best if I started now."

"It's fine, we'll stay with you." Soohyun said softly as she looked at me, then at Hoseok.

"I'm telling you guys, it's fine." I laughed. "I really need to get my work done anyway. I better start heading out before he comes."

"You sure?" Minyoung raised a brow.

"I'm sure."

"You sure, you're sure?" Hoseok asked, back hugging Soohyun as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

"I'm sure, I'm sure." I giggled before waving to them and making my way out of the classroom.

I walked down the hall, looking around keeping my guard up, not wanting to come across Jimin.

Looking left, and then right, I rushed towards the staircase that was just past the male's restroom. As I walked past the bathroom, the door to the men's bathroom and swung open, revealing the one and only, Park Jimin.

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